Afterglow: Aquaria

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[A/N: This is my first time writing a full imagine/one shot so I'm really nervous but hope you like it! Also wrote in 1st person for a change. Angst and kinda fluff?]

I blew things out of proportion, now you're blue

"Really, Y/N?!" he huffed, "I haven't even gotten out of drag yet and you're already screaming at me! This is fucking tiring."

"You're one to talk! Wanna know what's really fucking tiring? Waiting up to 4AM for you to get home!"

"I was at a gig! The hell do you expect me to fucking do?!"

"It's just exhausting. Don't you think I want a nice simple breakfast and dinner with you? We barely have time for each other because I work during the day and you at night. Don't you think I miss you?"

"Look, I get why you're upset, and I'm sorry. I really am, but can we just put it aside for a while? I'm really tired now and I can't keep fighting with you."

"You're tired? Is that why you've been grinding with some dude in the club?" I folded my arms.

"Are we really going to do this, Y/N? He's just a friend, we were having fun!"

"Oh yeah, fun." you mocked, "I saw Asia's stories and how you were flirting awhile ago. He was whispering what must have been sweet nothings to you and you were enjoying every second of it!"

"The club was packed ! The music was so loud! If you wanted to say something to someone you would fucking whisper, Y/N! He was telling me something funny, of course I would fucking laugh! What the hell, Y/N?!"

I can see him getting more than pissed off. He's obviously annoyed, sad and tired. Still, my sleep-deprived and overthinking mind wouldn't let this go.

Aquaria has always been a workaholic. I love that about her but at the same time hate it. I love how much passion and work she puts into every look and every performance she puts out but at the same time I just miss her. This week, Aquaria has just been working and working and working. The least I have is an hour with her, and that is when she's already getting ready to go out.

So when I saw Asia's stories with Aquaria on the background seeming flirty with some damn dude, I was furious. Still am, if I'm being honest. The fiery of jealousy and anger just filled me. I'm angry with her because of that yes, but at the same time I want to be just as flirty as she was with that guy. The only time we get to kiss is goodbye and goodnight these days. It sucks.

I started crying, "You don't... you don't love me anymore, do you?"

Her vexed composure softened and she came closer to me to caress my arms, "No, Y/N. Don't fucking think that. Don't even go there. I love you so damn much, you have no idea."

"Then why don't-why don't you want to spend time with me anymore?"

"Are you kidding? Of course I want to! These gigs are just piling on me this week but once I get a break, I promise we'll go out on a date or hell, I'll just lay in bed and cuddle with you all day."

Suddenly, Asia's stories and the image of me waiting around flashed before my eyes.

Just as it did, Aquaria's phone lit up from where it had been, on the table. It showed a message saying "I had a great time with you tonight. ;)"

I unconsciously clenched my fist, "No."


I removed her hand on my arm, "Don't even touch me."

Just the thought of her kissing someone else, being flirty with someone else, hooking up with someone, or worse, loving someone else breaks me. It's such a horrible, terribly bad thought. I hate that I'm having all of those living in my head right now.

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