Girl from New York: Aquaria

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[A/N: This is based on the Insta Story Aqua posted about meeting this girl in Coachella. I thought it was so cute and definitely am envious of the girl LMAO she has won the life lottery.]

"I totally should've emptied out my sunscreen. My skin ain't surviving this heat!" You complain to your friend while adjusting your hat and sunglasses.

"Mine too," your friend exhaled, wiping away the beads of sweat coming out of her forehead, "Let's go somewhere that has water oh my God."

She takes your hand and drags you, walking through the immense crowd of people that were there. Some were dressed in simple bohemian outfits, some meticulously went the extra mile. Some are couples, some are with friends. Some were having the time of their lives, some were about to leave. Some are in their roaring 20s, some are teenagers who probably snuck out to get there. One thing's for sure though, there were a lot of people coming out to see the biggest music festival of the year.

And that includes you. You took a break from your job in New York City and flew out to LA to meet your outgoing friend who managed to snag you tickets to Coachella.

"Finally!" she shouts, buying two ice cold water bottles, handing you one. "You don't know how much of a lifesaver you are honestly." she told the vendor.

"Eh, I do what I can." he shrugs.

You quickly open your bottle and drink. As you do, you see a familiar face out of the corner of your eye.

"Oh my God!" you exclaim.

"I know, this water is like heaven in hell."

"No, bish, look!" you point to someone just a few feet far from where you were.

"Who's that? Your ex?"

"No, that's fcking Aquaria!"

"Huh?" she furrows her brows.

You roll your eyes, "The Season 10 Winner of Drag Race!"

"Oh. Yeahhh." she drawls.

"I've told you a thousand times to watch it and a whole pandemic has passed but you still have not."

"I'm busy, okay!" she excused.

"Whatever, I'mma go say hi. This is the moment!"

You nervously walked up towards her. Your loud heartbeat getting louder than the deafening band playing.

"Hi." you try to say but it came out as a whisper. You clear your throat and try again, "Hi!"

She turned around. It's really her. A face you have only seen on a screen but now, only inches away from you.

"Oh, hi! I love your outfit!" she compliments and you swear your heartbeat went faster though it's inexplicable how.

"Thank you!" you try to regain your composure and ignore the fact that despite the heat, you're shaking. "Listen, I don't want to blow up your spot or anything but I'm such a big fan. Your looks are absolutely phenomenal and I eat it up everytime. I'm from New York and have seen you DJ once. I left early but you were so good!"

She smiles in awe, "Thank you babes, you're so adorable and totally are boosting up my ego right now."

"Please, you deserve all the praise."

"You are so fcking sweet! You know, if you're ever in Brooklyn-"

Suddenly, you felt someone take your hand, "Sis, I got us good spots, let's go!"

"Oh just wait I'm-"

"Oh, it's okay. Have a good time, sweetie!" Aquaria says. You gave her a smile and let your friend take you away. "Oh wait, I didn't catch your name!"

"It's Y/N!" you shout, but between the distance and loud music blaring, she probably didn't hear.

You massage your temple as you drink your tea, trying to overcome the jetlag. You made it back to New York after Coachella and it was so fun, but the jetlag? Not so much.

You considered going to sleep to cure it but couldn't. You pick up your phone and scrolled through Insta Stories when you made it to Aquaria's.

"Like, this one girl, she said she's from New York, and she was like, 'I don't wanna blow up your spot and yada yada yada, just all the nice stuff.."

Your heart raced again. She's talking about you. She actually remembered you.

"So, hey Girl from New York. I don't remember your name, I don't know if you told me but... let's hang out!" she giggles, "I don't know, just funny, very cute, fun."

You fingers trembled as you think of what to reply or if you should reply at all. Eventually, it came to a simple message.

"Hi! I'm the girl from New York lmao. I'm so glad you remember me!"

You took a deep breath after replying and couldn't believe anything that was happening. You even managed to let out a little squeal. Suddenly, your phone pinged.

"Hi!! You were so cool, are you in New York now?"

You replied, "Yes! The jetlag is terrible."

"Trust me. I know." she followed it up with another message, "Are you free tomorrow?"

Now you jumped from your bed and did an outburst of joy and excitement.


"Cool! I'm doing a finale airing of S14 in Brooklyn. Can you come?"


"Ok Gia Gunn." she joked, "See you."

You sigh as you drop the phone from your hand. What a moment.

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