Gold Rush: Symone

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[A/N: So uhh, basically I wrote it about everyone out there who is simping in their imaginary relationship with their celeb crush or someone who's just too far out of reach. I feel you, I've been there. x]

Gleaming, twinkling

Eyes like sinking ships on waters

So inviting, I almost jump in

I look at her and see perfection. As Gigi has said, there's nothing wrong with her. I can absolutely say that I've never seen a human so close to perfection.

In my opinion, she is like gold. Gracious, opulent, indefinable, pure gold. She's someone people would like to have, but would have a hard time trying to. She's shown off looking out of this world to numerous beings, but no one truly has her.

But I don't like a gold rush, gold rush

I don't like anticipatin' my face in a red flush

I don't like that anyone would die to feel your touch

Everybody wants you

Everybody wonders what it would be like to love you

Symone is a queen for the people. While it makes me happy to see her so accomplished, I fret. I don't like a gold rush. It's like hundreds of miners coming at her. It's frightening.

I once had to stand by a crowd of thousands, staring at her majestic beauty. Everyone around me felt what I was feeling. They were in love, they were mesmerized. I don't like that. It's distasteful.

My face turns into a bright red flush when she looks at me. When our eyes meet, the feeling I get is enchantingly magical. Everybody wonders what it would be like to have that. And I don't like it. It's immensely chilling.

Walk past, quick brush

I don't like slow motion, double vision in rose blush

I don't like that falling feels like flying 'til the bone crush

Everybody wants you

But I don't like a gold rush

Anyone could walk by Symone and with a quick brush of a hand, turn around in a slow motion just like the movies, and fall desperately in love with her.

I wish I could stop feeling this way, but it's Symone. She's ingeniously divine. She's unparalleled. I could go on describing just how eminent she is but I don't like how I am that way either.

I think of her as someone on a pedestal, someone who can only have positive comments thrown at them, and she is, but what if she isn't? What if I get extremely disappointed when the halo vision I have for her wears out?

I don't like falling in love. It's thrilling, it's intense, it's exhausting. I guess all kinds of love are like that, but especially the one I have for her.

I feel like I am in seventh heaven when I'm with her, when I talk to her, when our hands touch just ever so slightly. When we part, it's hell. It's like happiness, enjoy it while it's there. Hope it lasts longer than the last. It's painful to go from joy to longing in such a short time.

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