Hello, Nice To Meet You: Valentina

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(PART 2 OF THE PREVIOUS CHAPTER! Inspired by the song of the same name from Crazy Ex-Girlfriend.)

"Hi!" she greets, "Turns out I've probably chatted to everyone in this party and my schedule might not clear up in the following days. Do you wanna catch up now?"

You blink, visibly surprised, "Uhh? Now?"

"Yeah, there's a cafe nearby. Now would be great."

You turn to see Ty suppressing an excited squeal, "Oh, okay!"

You head to a nearby cafe and the vibe is somewhat inexplicable. It was awkward, yet comfortable. Anxious, yet exciting. You wanted to hold her hand yet any physical contact you make sends shivers down your spine.

How could it not? You're going to be spending time with a person who, just hours ago, you never thought you'd see again.

"Y/N?" she calls.


"You were zoning out."

"Oh, yeah, I'm sorry. It's just, a lot." you mumble.

"I get it. It's not everyday you see your ex after so many years." she says bluntly.

"Oh no, the show and everything, I mean," she raised a brow at you, making you spit out the truth, "Including you, I guess.."

"I get it. I was a jerk to you back then and you totally didn't deserve that." she stirs her coffee, "I was young and clueless. I'm so sorry."

Suddenly it's like every feeling you've had in the past came to your heart. As if you were the person you were years ago, "You ghosted me. You didn't tell me what was wrong, what was the problem. There wasn't even a damn breakup. You just started to not talk to me and... left."

"I know, I know, I'm sorry." she apologized tearily, "I was an idiot. I didn't want to hurt you but I did anyway."

"I've forgiven you a long time ago. It's just... overwhelming to see you, but I truly am happy for you."

" Thank you, Y/N." she smiles. "Let's move forward. It's all in the past." she sighs and looks down.

"Well, we can't exactly change the repercussions and bad memories associated with the past." you state, matter-of-factly.

"I know, mi vida. And I wish I could change it." she looks up for a few seconds before turning to you, "What if we can start over completely?"

Your brows knitted, "Like, pretend we're meeting for the first time?"

"Yes, that!"

"Clean slate?"


"Well, in that case," I stick my hand out for her to shake, "Hello, nice to meet you. What's your name?"

She chuckles, "James, but you may call me Valentina right now. How about you?"

"I'm Y/N." we shake hands while both trying to suppress laughter.

"You kind of remind me of this person I was in school with."

"It's funny, 'cause you kind of remind me of this person I went out with years ago."

"Oh really? What happened?"

"Ghosted me."

"Oh, what a meanie."

"Yeah, she kinda was."

"You know, in a certain light, you look like this person who danced like a swan."

"Aww," you smile and carry on with the bit, "Well, I've spent many years processing my anger for the person you remind me of and I wouldn't know what to say to her, but if you have something for my doppelganger I'd be happy to pass it along."

She laughs, "Oh okay, you can do the same to me, tell them I still have their sweater."

"Tell her I still have her coat."

"Tell them they kissed well."

"Tell her I have notes." you both laugh, "Tell her it's sad that she had to hide than face me."

"Tell them I'm sorry."

"Tell her I am too." you smiled sincerely at each other. Silence lingered for awhile, before you offered your hand for her to shake again, "Oh well, nice to meet you, Valentina."

She grins, "You too, Y/N."

You broke off the act, "Anyways, my friend's probably waiting for me there. I'm gonna go ahead. Thank you, I really needed this."


You start walking out of the cafe when you heard her voice making you stop.

"I noticed you the moment you walked in the room."

A pause lingers.

"You did?"

"How could I not?" she says quietly, "You have a presence that is... comforting for me even though we haven't seen each other in forever."

"Val... I don't know what to say."

"I kept waiting for you to say something to me. But you didn't. So, I went ahead and did it myself." she confesses, "Which is like such a big honor for you to have me make the first move."

"And I'm so honored." you giggle, "Sooo, want to go out again sometime?"


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