Drops of Jupiter: Gigi Goode

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[A/N: A fluffy Gigi fic y'all! I always use the name "Gigi" because they've stated they're more comfortable with it. Also, I'm using he/him pronouns for the first time to make it more not-in-drag-ish... does that make sense?

Plot: Y/N picks Gigi up after filming Drag Race Season 12. While they do miss This turns into a sweet reunion.

This is inspired by the chapter, "Home" from @whenisaypostquam- 's book. Absolutely recommend that you read it, iz goode.]

Now that she's back in the atmosphere
With drops of Jupiter in her hair

I take a deep breath as I turned my car on and sat on the driver's seat. This is it. After three months, I'll finally get to see him again.

While I try to keep my head on the road since I'm such a bad driver and my hands are shaking from anticipation, practically gripping the steering wheel, I can't help but be anxious as well. I trust him a lot, but of course he must have changed. He got to live his dream and went on Rupaul's Fracking Drag Race. Oh sorry, I meant Rupaul's Fvcking Drag Race. Love u, Mama Ru.

I reach a red light and stop the car. I look at my phone for a while. Literally. I just looked at my lockscreen which is a picture of us. We were hanging out at a park and we decided to get ice cream. We were laughing so hard that the ice cream was just all over our face. He got some on his nose and I had a little Santa mustache due to devouring the vanilla ice cream. I smile at the memory.

I stare at the picture of him. Those dark eyes, his cute little button nose, those lips and the way they would feel against mine. Gosh, do I miss him. I miss seeing that face first thing in the morning. I'd wake up first most of the time and the best part about that was seeing him when he would open his big eyes and look at me. Just enough to make my day before it even starts.

Turns out I've been staring and thinking way too long, I didn't even notice the red lights has already turned green! Distressed due to the honking of cars, I put my phone down quickly and speed off.

Several thoughts ran through my mind as I near the distance between us. How is he? Is he okay? Did he do well? Did he have fun?

My phone lit up and a message from him showed, "I'm outside the hotel now Y/N! Can't wait to see you! x"

I smile and stepped on the accelerator gradually harder as I drive by the street with less vehicles. When I got a text from him after months saying that he's finally coming home, I cried endlessly. I insisted on picking him up from the hotel since it was only a thirty minute drive from our place. I couldn't wait any more second for the sight of him.

A familiar feeling took over my body just by the thought of seeing him again. Three months of longing, three months of no communication, three months of reliving old time, three months of not seeing his beautiful physique and sweet smile.

I step on the brake as I reach the hotel.

She acts like summer and walks like rain
Reminds me that there's time to change
Since the return from her stay on the moon
She listens like spring and talks like June

I put my hand over my mouth when I finally saw him. Wearing a white t-shirt and faded blue jeans, he laughed as I was desperately trying not to cry. A wave of different emotions passed by me; joy, excitement, anxiety, almost every feeling you could think of mashing to create the overwhelming state I have.

I run towards him with the speed of lighting, holding him like it's the first time I have in months. Because it literally is the first time I got to hold him again.

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