The Other Brian: Trixya

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[A/N: I got this idea after learning that both of Scarlet's moms are named Cherry. And who's the most iconic name square in the fandom? Yep, you guessed it right.

I also normally don't write stuff like this so bear with me, and it's just going to be light, short and silly. I will be referring to them with their drag names to make it less confusing than it already is and he/him but they are out of drag here.]

"Hey honey, how was school?" Trixie asks as I put my bag down. He's baking something in the kitchen just a few feet away from the door where I'm standing. Hopefully not another easy bake oven experiment or I'm out of this house. Katya, who you can never expect to be in the kitchen without explosions or fire, is sitting in the couch, watching an old film.

"It was fine." I nonchalantly answer, sitting beside my Dad on the couch, "What the he-

"What did we say about cursing, Brenda?" Trixie warns.

"Give them a break, it's not like they have angels for dads." Katya butts in.

"We're devils trying to raise an angel, keep up McCook."

"This is me assuring you that you're doing a great job at that. Anyways what the-" Trixie raises his eyebrows, "-heck are you watching, Dad?"

"Okay, so the girl's leg was slashed at a party. Then, she was so fascinated with the wound that she grew an obsession with her skin that she slashes it and cannibalizes it." he explains with a smile and I nearly throw up.

"You just traumatized the child, Brian." my other dad comments.

"She asked and I just answered!"

I get my bag from the ground and stood up from slouching on the couch, "So I'm gonna go hide in my room before I grow an obsession with skin."

I climb up the stairs and into my room. I turned on the sewing machine to finish what I've been making for days. Sewing has always been a therapy for me. It starting when my dads gifted me one and taught me how to use it. Since then, I have just  loved  creating stuff.

I start to work on it and turned my favorite podcast on. Just the perfect way to relax and be productive at the same time.

[A/N: this is a plug from the author to listen to The Bald and the Beautiful.]

That is, until I notice the machine skipping stitches. I tried to repair it myself but I failed to do so. Giving up, I decide to call my dad since he's the one I always run to when I have a problem with a sewing machine, "Dad! I need some help!"

It took a few more yells of, "Dad!", before I heard responses.

"Which dad?" Trixie asks.

"The bald one!" I reply, a smile forming on my lips as I decide to mess with them.

"Which bald one??" Katya asks.


"Which Brian???"

"The one with good drag!" 

"That's shady, who?!"

"The one who looks like an egg!"

I hold back laughter as I hear them conflicting outside, "You look more of an egg than me, you go."

"No way, Barbara. Look in the mirror, your head is perfectly shaped like an egg."

"*insert bird sounds here* You b*tch!"

Now unable to hold my laughter back any longer, I shout, "Stop now, you two! I'm looking for the Drag Barbie!"

I was startled when after a few seconds later, Katya peeks his head out the door before going in my room.

He goofily marches to where I'm sitting and I could already hear the little wheeze she's trying not to let out, "So, you were looking for me, gorgeous angel of my life and the result of the greatest trip to the adoption center?"

"Not ex-"

Bird sounds stopped what I was going to say. Now, I've lived in this insane asylum of a home to not know who it's coming from. I mean, I'd be disappointed in myself if I don't.

"You fvcking baldie!" he goes in cackling, finally going to help me with my sewing machine problem.

Sigh, I love my fam, but they really are crazy.

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