Drunquaria In Your Area

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[A/N: This is so funny and I laughed A LOT while writing this so I hope you do too! This is inspired by a Reddit post that I can't remember lmao but thank you.

Caution: this might make you say "Damn it Aquaria" more than you usually do.]

Aquaria was at a party and at about 3:00 in the morning, Jordan called to inform you that he would be dropping Aquaria off at your place because she's heavily drunk and not at all able to hold herself up.

You prepared yourself for what was about to come your way. Aquaria has a pretty good alcohol tolerance which means that when she is drunk, you better beware.

The little times you've had to deal with Drunquaria consisted of her banging herself into a wall, talking nonsense endlessly, having to put up with her kissing you every second, and messy coitus.

The doorbell rang and assuming it's Jordan and her, you prepared yourself for what was about to come.

"Y/N!" Aquaria beams, giggling with her eyes half closed.

"Crap, what happened to this queen?"

"Drank like it was her last day having alcohol." he answers, passing her to cling to you, "I can't trust her to be by herself without falling over."

Aquaria, still in drag, wrapped her hands around your waist and laid her head on your shoulder. She looks like a mess. Though, still a stunting pretty mess.

"Thanks for being the sober one."

"Sweetie, I'm drunk as well but nothing compared to your baby."

You chuckled, "Still, thanks Stawecki."

"I'm basically tied to her forever so it's kind of my job." he jokes, "Besides, she's been a good girl the whole night. Except for the part where she downed several Negronis. But mostly, a good girl."

"This fvcking Italian." you hiss.

"I can still hear you, you know." Aquaria murmurs from your neck, "Y/N you wanna marry my best friend and that's not cool."

"Yes, Jordan just proposed to me. I'm going to be Mr./Mrs. Stawecki!" you say, messing with her.

She whines, "My surname's better than his!"

"Should I be offended..?"

"Yes you should, traitor!" Aquaria answers.

You laugh, "Thanks for everything Jordan. Go home now before she kills you."

After many failed tries (the reason being Aquaria putting her whole weight on you), you finally make it to the bedroom.

She instantly laid and got comfortable in bed. You wonder for a second, thinking about what to do with your intoxicated darling in front of you.

You know she hates leaving her makeup on, but you also can't bring yourself (or her) to wash her face and take her mug off.

You decide to leave her makeup on since you can't really do anything about it, and take the rest of the drag off. You move closer to her, planning to take her clothes off, especially the tight corset.

You try to pull the zipper on her back when she stops you. You looked at her and saw her scrunched face and teary eyes.

"Are you okay?"

"I-I gotta tell you something..."

"What is it?"

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