Dorothea: Gigi Goode

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[A/N: Happy Holidays to all who celebrate! I know I've been MIA lately and I will get to those requests... I just don't know when lidgjhdlkgjh. I've been very busy with school and mental health issues but yeah here's an update!]

Hey, Dorothea, do you ever stop and think about me?

I buried my face in my hands and groaned. God, college is hard. It's my last year and I cannot not graduate. I mean, I'm glad it's almost over and I'm on my way to achieving my dream job, but the process is just difficult.

I've been studying for the past hours; reading and staring at my computer but nothing seems to get inside my mind. It's frustrating.

After sulking for a minute that felt like an hour with the overlapping thoughts in my head, I was shaken back to reality by my sister and her friend screaming like a bunch of raccoons in the living room just a few feet away from my bedroom.

I groaned again, more loudly this time and forced my heavy feet to stand up, open the door, walk near where they're sitting at the black leather couch facing the television, and tell them to shut up... but like, in a nice way.

"Y/S/N! Can you please keep it down? I'm trying to study. I love you Y/S/F/N, I really do, but keep it down too."

"Oh please, you've been studying all day. You could use a break."

"And you could use some sleep. What time is it already? You have classes tomorrow too."

"Y/N, stop being a buzzkill and relaaxx. It wouldn't kill you to get your head off of a book for once."

When we were younger down in the park

Honey, making a lark of the misery

You got shiny friends since you left town

A tiny screen's the only place I see you now

And I got nothing but well wishes for ya

I rolled my eyes and when it reached the television, it unconsciously widened. A familiar face I haven't seen in years. Not since... well, it doesn't matter now. My jaw, with half of my intent, dropped. It felt like I'd seen a ghost, but in this case it's even worse. It's her.

"Y/S/N, who's that?"

"She's gorge right? A contestant on Drag Race, Gigi Goode. I think she actually might win." she beamed.

Her friend snickered, "Excuse your sister Y/N, she's been simping for Gigi ever since she saw her."

"I HAVE NOT." she pouted and strongly denied.

"Liza Minelli." her friend shook her head.

They continued bickering over whether or not Y/S/N actually has a crush on her but their voices faded in the background for me until I couldn't seem to hear them. I was looking at her through the tiny screen. How she smiled at the judges who are giving her compliment by compliment.

I unknowingly quirked a tiny smile. She did it.

I went back to my room amidst my sister still denying any amount of admiration for Gigi. I sat down on a chair next to my desk and continued reading my book, preparing for a big test tomorrow but I can't stick any of the information to my brain anymore than I can forget what I just saw on TV. It's Gigi for God's sake!

I groaned for the nth time that night, laying on the bed and dropping the book to my face. Alright, maybe that's enough studying for today. Nothing's sticking anyway so I'm just crossing my fingers that I get it right tomorrow and my score will turn out well.

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