The Day After Valentine's: Gigi Goode

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[A/N: Here's another Gigi one since I'm literally obsessed with her. A little drama and angst because it's the month of love and I'm damn single, but, like, really okay with it. Anyways, this is inspired by the movie of the same name. I put the trailer above if y'all are interested, it's really good!]

February 13, 2022. 10:00PM

"Hi, Gigi! Um, this club that you said, is there some way you can wait by the door for me? I'm sort of lost and scared." you called help to the person on the other line, your hand holding your phone close to your ear and the other clutching your purse.

"Y/N? Wait, let me see if one of the girls can help you. Where are you now?"

"Uhhh, I'm at, uhh.. the pizza place nearby."

"Oh okay, just a few walks and you're here. I'll have Symone get you. Her number is still a couple minutes later. Bye-"

"Wait! Can you wait for me?"

"Sorry Y/N, I gotta go. I'll see you later. Bye." she hurriedly said.

You sigh, a small amount of the desperation and disappointment leaving your body, but just not enough for you to let it go.

Dropping the phone slowly, you stare at her going back inside the loud gay bar. You sit on a park bench across the bar, where you have been for almost ten minutes, contemplating whether you should go inside or not.

"Let's take five minutes to calm down, Y/N." you whispered to yourself as you tighten your hold on the bench.

February 13, 2021. 10:00PM

"Y/N!!" Symone screamed in a very high pitched voice as she saw you in the loud, crowded and busy club.

"Calm down, babe, geez it's just me." you joke.

"How can I calm down? I haven't seen you in a year, baby!" she cheerfully said, handing you a drink. "Hydrate yourself."

"Well, thank you." you said, taking a sip through the swirly straw. It was true. You haven't seen your friend in a year since the coronavirus came in and disrupted everyone's lives. But since you've gotten your vaccine and the country's getting safer, you thought of seeing your friend again. You've missed her and wanted to congratulate her on getting in Drag Race and possibly winning it (you know she damn will), you took a plane to West Hollywood. "Have you got yourself a Valentine?"

"Maybe, maybe not." she answered coyly with a smirk, "I'm happy anyways, dear. How about you?"

"Nope. Single as a pringle still."

"Hmm, I wonder if I know someone I can set you up with..." she thinks for a moment, stirring her drink slowly. "Nope."

You chuckle, "It's fine. I'm enjoying the single life anyways. I don't really think I'm ready for any of that shebackle."

"Yeah girl, keep ridin that single train with me." She cheers and high fives you.

The night went on to be more than just good, but so so so fun. You were coming out of the bathroom when you bumped into a girl with porcelain skin, reddish hair and wearing a skin tight bodysuit.

"Oh sorry-" you immediately apologized.

"No it's fine, I was in a rush anyway."

You finally caught a look at her, "Gigi?! Oh my gosh, I'm Symone's friend and a big fan."

She smiles widely, "Really? You're so gorgeous, I've heard so much about you! Wait a sec, we'll hang after I finish my number, just wait."

And so you did. You watched her perform and counted the times you'd smile or gawk or be amazed at her. You've watched her season and seen her on Facetimes with Symone but you haven't had the opportunity to actually hang out with her. This was the first.

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