Chapter 26

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Killian's P.O.V Tuesday (5:00pm) 1 week later

It's been a week since I found Emma and Neal has been missing as well, anyway I'm sitting with Emma while doing some paperwork for work. I grab her hand and just like last week she squeezes my hand back, I just want her to wake up. "Come on Darling, come on wake up" she took a deep breath and then the monitor started beeping and I didn't know why and then it started to scare me. The doctor came in and said that it was normal for the monitor to go off like that sometimes then she left.

Emma took another deep breath and then her eyes opened and I couldn't believe it "Emma Darling, can you hear me?" I asked her.

"Yeah, how long was I out?" she asks.

"A week, I'm so happy you're awake"

"I've missed you" she says while pulling me into a hug. "I love you so much"

"I love you too Swan...what's the last thing you remember?" I asked her.

"The last thing I remember is seeing you come into wherever I was being held and then you got to me and I passed out"

"Okay, well I need to go get the doctor and then Robin is going to take your statement"


I left and got the doctor so she can make sure Emma's alright then I called Robin.

Call w/ Robin

R- Hello?

K- Hey, she's awake

R- are you serious?

K- yes, she just woke up, her monitor was going off so the doctor came in said it was normal then left; she then took a deep breath and opened her eyes

R- wow, okay I'll come by and take her statement then spend a little time with her

K- okay, see you soon

End of call

I went back to Emma's room and she just smiled at me "what did the doctor say?" I asked her.

"She was surprised that I was awake but was glad I was," she says.

"Okay, Robin is on his way here"

"Okay, by the way I would never leave you, this wasn't your fault"

"You heard me?"

"I could hear everything that was happening around me, I heard you and my brother, you and Regina, and you and Robin"

"Oh god...I blame myself for this"

"This is not your fault, you're not the one who took me and hurt me, you didn't tell Neal to do that to me so THIS IS NOT YOUR FAULT!" she yells the last part then Robin comes into the room.

"Am I interrupting something?" Robin asks.

"No, come on in" Emma says

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay"

As Robin starts questioning her about what happened I call her brother, even though I don't want to I know that I have to. After I called him I went back into Emma's room to tell her that her brother was on his way to come see her. "Hey sweetheart, your brother is on his way here to see you" I tell her.

"Okay, are you okay?" she asks me.

"Yeah, I'm just glad that you are okay"

"Stop blaming yourself, I know that is what you're doing, you're blaming yourself for this and you need to stop"

"I feel like it's my fault"

Emma's P.O.V

Killian is blaming himself for what happened to me and I hate that he is, he didn't do this to me...Neal did and he will pay for what he did. I was so scared when I saw him at my apartment and Killian not knowing he was the one who hurt me, I just want him locked up and so he can't hurt me or anyone else.

"I feel like it's my fault," Killian says to me.

"It's not, please stop doing this to yourself, please" I ask him

"I'll try my Darling, I love you so much"

"And I love you, more than you know"


I then see David at the door and Killian turns around and sees him then he turns back to me, kisses my head then leaves. "Hey David, come on in" I say to him.

"Hey Emma, how are you feeling?" he asked.

"I'm okay, how have you been"

"I've been fine, what the hell happened to you"

"My ex did this to me"

"I'm sorry this happened to you and I'm sorry that I didn't stay in touch when you told me to"

"It's okay"

"So you and Killian Jones?" he asks.

"Yeah why, you don't like him or something?" I ask him even though I know that he doesn't.

"You shouldn't be with him, all heis going to do is hurt you"

"No, he's not, he is the best man I have ever been with"

"He's not good enough for you"

"He is too good for me"

"He is just going to hurt you"

"No he's not, I love him and I am not leaving him"

"You can't love him, you hardly know him"

"I hardly know him? Really? You're telling me that I hardly know that man I love. I've been dating for almost 3 months and I am moving in with him and I AM NOT LEAVING HIM!" I yell the last part.

"You're moving in with him?" he asks while raising his voice.

"Yes, I love him and one day I will have a family with him and you will not get in the way of that"

"You're going to regret that, you are going to regret staying with him"

"Then that's my choice to make"

To Be Continued...

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