Chapter 31

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Killian's P.O.V (5:15pm) Saturday

I texted Regina for her to get Emma here and knowing Regina she had Emma change into a new outfit they got today. I have everything planned and ready to go, LJ says he wants to record the whole thing so he can surprise us for our wedding day.



15 minutes go by and I finally see Regina pull up and I see how confused Emma is to why she is here. "Killian...what...why am I here?" she asked me.

"You look so beautiful and thank you Regina" I say. Regina nods.

"You had Regina hang out with me all day?"

"She just helped me that's all"

"What are we doing here?"

"Swan, Everything we have been through has brought us here, you are my everything and I don't know what I would do without you..."


Emma's P.O.V (5:30pm)

Regina drives me to the docs after I got changed into my new sundress, I see Killian and I'm so confused about what's going on. "Killian...what...why am I here?" I asked him.

"You look so beautiful and thank you Regina" he says, she nods and goes over to Robin.

"You had Regina hang out with me all day?"

"She just helped me that's all"

"What are we doing here?"

"Swan, Everything we have been through has brought us here, you are my everything and I don't know what I would do without you..." he pauses and looks into my eyes. "For the past 3 years you have been here with me and you haven't left, you were my friend when I needed you, you were my therapist when I was having a bad day, and you have always been my lover. 2 and a half years ago I thought I lost you... I thought I would never get to hold you in my arms again. All the crap we have been through made our love stronger, so I have brought you here today to ask you to marry me" he says while getting down on one knee.

"Oh my god" is all I could say when I saw him get down on one knee.

"So what do you say...will you marry me?"

"Yes...yes, yes, yes!!" I say. He puts the ring on my finger and gets up and pulls me into a loving and passionate kiss. "I can't believe you planned all of this, when did you plan all of this?" I asked.

"Last night and early this morning" he said to me.

"Are you serious, less than 24 hours"


"I love you so much"

"I love you too"

All of us go home and Regina and Robin stay over for a bit to hang out. I then get a rust of nausea and I run to the restroom.


Killian's P.O.V (6:00pm) *at the house*

She said yes. She said yes. I am going to marry the love of my life and I can't wait, then hopefully soon down the road we can start a family. Yes we talked about having kids but we never said when, Emma then all of the sudden gets up and runs to the bathroom like she was going to puke everything in the stomach. "Is she okay?" Regina asks.

"Yeah, I'm going to check on her" I say as I get up and make my way to the bathroom. I get up to the door and I hear her throwing up...again. "Emma Darling, are you doing okay?" I ask her.

"Yeah, I'll be out in a minute," she says trying to catch her breath.

"You sure this is a stomach bug because you were just fine and now your not"

"I don't know Killian, I'll be out in a minute I promise"


I go back into the living room and then I see Regina get up and go to Emma's needs, maybe she will know what the bloody hell is wrong with Emma. They both come back to the living room and Em looks like she doesn't feel well, then she comes over and gets into a ball while she cuddles up to me. "Are you okay, My Darling?" I asked her.

"Yeah, I'm just nauseous, but I'm okay, I promise," she says.

"okay, I love you"

"I love you too"



Regina and Robin were talking and then all of the sudden Regina says "I think we are going to head out"

"Okay well thank you guys for helping me today, it really means a lot" I say to them.

"No problem, we are just glad we could help, we'll see you guys tomorrow" Robin says.

After they left Emma wasn't where she was when I walked Robin and Regina out, I went over to the bedroom and she's not there either, then I hear her throwing up again in the bathroom. I go over to the door and hearing her like this breaks my heart. "Emma, are you doing alright?" I asked her.

"Yeah, I'll be alright," she says.


Emma's P.O.V (6:55pm)

"Emma, are you doing alright?" Killian asks at the bathroom door.

"Yeah, I'll be alright," I said before I threw up again.

"What can I do, my love"

"Nothing, I'll be out in a minute"

"Okay, I love you"

"I love you too"

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