Chapter 9

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Taehyung and Jimin stopped immediately. Everyone froze on their own respective spots. They were shocked after they heard you shouting for the first time. Even Taehyung heard you shouting for the first time.

"Was it you?" Tae asked in disbelief.

"Yes!!! It was me. Now fight again and I will throw both of you out of my house." You spoke seriously while staring at Jimin and Taehyung.

You looked at Namjoon, Hoseok, Jin and Jungkook, who by now, were looking at each other's faces in shock. You then looked at Yoongi who immediately raised his hands in surrender.

"Why are you all standing here? You can just sit back on your places again." You said politely but at the same time their was a sternness in your voice.

Namjoon and Jungkook smiled and went back. But Jin and Hoseok still looked at each other doubtfully in kind of scared way.

You kept your hands at their shoulders and said," Trust me." Jin and Hoseok smiled in relief and went back.

Taehyung and Jimin were also about to go when you said immediately looked at them with sharp eyes, "Both of you! Stop here and tell me what happened today or else, I won't let you eat the dumplings."

Jimin and Taehyung looked at each other. Jimin then said, "Okay! You see, today I was late for my dance practice and so, I didn't have my breakfast. I had a practice for three hours with just a 15 minutes break in between. So during my break, I was given 8 dumplings. Taehyung came to meet me and so we decided to eat the dumplings equally. But he ate 5 of them and so, I ate only 3."

You looked at Taehyung, who then shook his head.

"Speak up Taehyungie, is it true?" Hoseok asked.

"Yes, but I was really very hungry then." Taehyung whined.

"And so was Jimin, Taehyung, you are his best friend, and the big thing is that he didn't even have his breakfast. Despite this, he wanted to share the Dumplings with you equally. How can you do that?" You asked while crossing your arms on your chest.

Taehyung was sad and was looking down at the floor. Jimin was also sad and quiet. You realized that the atmosphere was too serious now, and just like Jin, you hated too much of seriousness.

"Okay, now come on! Just go and eat the dumplings and tell me how do they taste." You said politely.

"Yes.. They are actually very tasty. Have some of them." Yoongi said while eating a dumpling.

"Yah!! Hyung, those were made for Taehyung and me. You can't really eat them like this." Jimin whined. After hearing this, Taehyung became emotional and hugged Jimin tightly.

"I am so sorry Jimin. I am really very very sorry." Taehyung cried. Jimin hugged him back and he also started to cry.

"It's okay. It's totally alright." Jimin cried.

Yoongi almost picked the chopsticks, when he put them down and said humbly,

"Aww.. Both of them look so cute."

"Yes! But I can't believe you are saying this." Jin said.

"Yeah, me too." Hoseok agreed.

"Even I am not able to believe myself." Yoongi said.

Jimin and Taehyung looked at you then. You were smiling and trying to hide your tears.

"Wanna cry?" Jimin asked you.
You nodded while wiping off your tears.

"Then join us you stupid!!" Taehyung said and pulled you for a hug. The three of you hugged each other happily.

"Won't you ask us all?" Jungkook asked.

"This ain't a thing to ask." Jimin said.
Everyone, even Yoongi, ran and you all hugged each other in a group.

Taehyung looked at all of you and then said,"You know what we will say after Three. At the count of one... two.. And three, BORAHAE!!"

"BORAHAE!!!" You all shouted together happily.


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