Chapter 21

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You took a shower swiftly, wore your bathrobe and got out of the bathroom.

On seeing you, both Tae and Vini became quiet for like 5 seconds. "Why the heck were you both fighting?" You asked in a serious tone.

"This girl wasn't letting me meet you." Taehyung complained.

"How could she really meet you when she was in the shower and yeah, my name is Vini."  Vini said coldly.

"I don't care about your name and yeah, for your kind information, she could have even met me after the shower too, like now." Tae said angrily.

"No, she couldn't coz she was going to be busy then."

"Says who?"

"Me!!!!!" Vini said in a stern voice. Tae gave a fake laugh and said," Don't you know girl? She is never busy for me."

Vini shot a look at him and said," But now, she will be."

They both began to shout over each other again when you shouted,"STOP!! DO THIS AGAIN AND I WON'T TALK TO BOTH OF YOU FOR AGES!!!"
Both of them immediately stopped fighting.

"I better go for a shower." Vini said, completely disgusted, and went aggressively to the bathroom.

Tae looked at you and said," I can't understand. She is so rude, she doesn't deserve to become your best friend."

"Tae, she is not rude. Try to understand, she is just tired and.."

"Tired?? Does anyone become rude when he or she gets tired?" Tae interrupted you.

"I know. She's just.. A little bit overprotective for me. She also feels...insecure for our relationship because of you." You said.

"And so do I. What do you think, I don't love to be around you? I love the fact that we are best friends. I feel blessed because of you. Only you, jimin and Jungkook are my 'Best' best friends. Do you think I would be able to tolerate it if someone takes away this blessing from me?" Tae asked angrily.

You shook your head and said, "Tae, I am... I am really sorry on behalf of her. Please forgive her."

Taehyung sighed and kept his palm on one of your cheeks." I am sorry if I hurt you, but I won't really come here again if this Vini is present in your house"

"Tae, please.."

"No, I won't. I have tolerated this overprotective girl a lot." He said and left immediately, leaving the door open behind him.

You sighed and dragged yourself to close the door. You felt sad and miserable.

You couldn't really say anything to Vini because of two reasons. The first one was because Vini moved in to your house that day only, which was a pretty small reason. But the second one was big, very big. You and Vini apart from being best friends, were like real sisters too. Especially Vini, though you both were of the same age, she was just like an elder sister to you.

Two years ago, you suffered from a severe depression when your only and ex- boyfriend ditched you for someone else. Your state was miserable at that time and you really had no one for you until Vini came to know about you. She cared for you and took so many leaves from her office to look after you( Because of this, she was nearly fired from her job!" Many a times, you tried to commit suicide. If you were alive at present, it was all because of Vini. Because Vini saw how deeply you were affected because of your break up, she got very conscious for you.
This is why, she was overprotective sometimes.

You felt miserable and didn't know what to do. The only person coming in your mind then was Namjoon, and so, you decided to call him up.


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