Chapter 34

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Days passed but after that fight, you and Namjoon didn't talk with each other. He sometimes tried to talk to you, but only got a good amount of ignorance from your side.

Vini got discharged after one week from the hospital. You stayed at home with her for three days but unfortunately, Jessie, your boss, then started to pressurize you to come at the work. She knew about Vini's condition so she asked Vini to join back the work only when she feels like doing so. Vini was also adviced by the doctor to take some rest for at least two weeks.

So, you started going back to the office and were back to your normal routine. You also went with Jungkook for your so called 'Morning Workouts'.
Finally after a week, you got an off from the work on Saturday, which meant that you were free for two days, obviously - weekend.

You didn't get a lot of sleep due to your busy schedule, so, you decided to get some sleep that day. You were sleeping in your bedroom while Vini was eating some strawberries when all of a sudden, the doorbell rang.

Vini opened the door to find a smiling Namjoon, carrying a book and a bouquet of white roses with him.

"Hi oppa!"

"Hi Vini! How are you?"

"Aah.. I am fine now. Come in!"
Namjoon came in and Vini closed the door. He began to look around, his eyes searching for you.

"She is in her bedroom. Now go fast." Vini said suddenly. She knew about your and Namjoon's fight, and honestly, she wanted to see you both back as friends, very badly.

"Oh.. Umm.. Thanks Vini." He said and smiled while going to the stairs, but suddenly stopped and looked at Vini.

"What happened?"

"What if she gets angry after seeing me in her bedroom? I mean, I am a guy and... You know what I mean to say."

Vini chuckled and answered, "No, she won't. Even Jungkook has gone to her bedroom like this before. So, she won't say anything and don't worry, I'll stay right here so ask me if you need anything.

" OK, thanks Vini. But what was Jungkook doing there?" He asked.

"Aah.. You see, they both go for workout in the mornings, so one day she was late and was sleeping and hence, Jungkook decided to wake her up."

"Oh.. Okay, Thanks Vini." He said and Vini smiled. He started going upstairs to your bedroom. Somewhere in his mind, the thought of Jungkook with you was tugging him. But right now, his main concern was you. He was very anxious, and was hoping that you don't fight with him.

He found your bedroom's door open and so, he entered, only to see you sleeping peacefully. He came near and sat beside you. He began to look at you admiringly. He looked at your eyes (which were obviously closed) and then looked at your soft pink lips. He wanted to touch them badly, but on the other hand, he respected you and your beauty.

So he decided to wake you up before he loses control on his emotions. He said your name and shook you from your shoulder lightly.

You flinched and woke up to find Namjoon, who was smiling nervously in front of you.


"Oh, Hi Namjoon! How are you?"

"I am fine. I... Just wanted to see you." He said while you got up to sit on your bed. There was silence for a moment when Namjoon gave you the roses while saying, "I am sorry for that day. I shouldn't have been rude to you. I an extremely sorry.

You kept the bouquet on the side table, and smiled while you ruffled his hair. " First of all, thank you for the roses. They are very beautiful. Secondly, it's alright. I think I would have also done that if I were on your place. I know we both care for each other a lot."

"Yeah, and that's a good thing."

"Until and unless we both fight because of this." You said and then you both laughed. He then handed you the novel he was having and you frowned a little while seeing the book, whose title was 'The Rosy Sky'.

"Hey, this is the book I gifted you, right?" Namjoon nodded.

"You didn't like it?"

He chuckled a bit and then answered,"Of course I am gonna like it, actually, love it, only if I read this first. You see, I never got time to read and even if I got, I was so tired that I used to sleep, instead of doing anything else.

You nodded while understanding him.
"Can you.. Can we read this book together?"

You raised an eyebrow after hearing this question.

"I mean... When it's dinner time. I know we both are really very busy with our schedules. So after our work, we can meet here, at you home. I mean, it can be a source of refreshment and in this way, we both can read it. I mean, I know you have already read this but still.."


Namjoon's eyes lit up."Okay?"

"Yeah, okay! I will enjoy reading it again. We can start from today only." You said while Namjoon nodded in excitement.


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