Chapter 64

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You were right now with Tae, Jin, Yoongi and Vini, outside the I.C.U.

You came to know that after sometime Yoongi left for your house, Namjoon became reckless and wanted to meet you. So he left for your house but on the way, his car collided with a truck. The truck driver was drunk and so, he lost the control over the steering wheel and rammed the truck on Namjoon's car.

You were crying a lot while Hoseok went to inform Jungkook and Jimin about Namjoon's acident, as both of them were not picking up their phones due to their practice.Suddenly the doctor came outside. You all ran to him.

"Doctor, how is he?" Jin asked.

The doctor sighed and said,"He is conscious now. But..."

"But what doctor?" Yoongi asked restlessly.

He sighed again and then said, "He won't survive. There has been a lot of internal bleeding, there are numerous blood clots. His organs are not working properly."

These words were like a bullet shot through all of your bodies.

The doctor patted Jin and Yoongi's shoulder and passed an apologetic smile.

"You all can meet him, but I will suggest only two at a time." He then excused himself and went away.

You fell down and began to cry hard."This is all because of me. If I wouldn't have run away from him, none of this would have happened."

Tae and Vini came and held you hands, though they couldn't say anything. Jin clutched his hair and screamed while Yoongi cursed and cried in frustration.

Suddenly, a nurse came from inside of the I.C.U. and called out for you.

You ran to her while she said, "The patient wants to meet you eagerly. Please go and meet him."

You nodded and turned back to look at everyone.Tae nodded and came with you.

Both of you went inside and saw Namjoon lying lifelessly on the bed. There was a plaster on his left leg and his head was dressed in bandages. Seeing him in this condition made your legs weak.

Both Tae and you stood beside Namjoon while you held Namjoon's hand.

He opened his eyes and looked at you slowly.

"Hey." His voice was almost inaudible.
You smiled and tried not to cry. But of course you failed.

"I am sorry Namjoon.... All of this happened because of me. I am so sorry."

"It's not your fault.Its nobody's fault."

"Hyung, no. You don't know anything. It's my fault."

You looked at Taehyung in confusion while he looked nervous.

"I.... I made a plan with everyone. After you told all those things about her, I made a plan to make you jealous. This is the outcome of my plan." He said and began to cry more.

"Tae.... How can you do this?" You asked in anger but Namjoon squeezed your hand very lightly.

"Please. Its nobody's mistake. Maybe life doesn't want me to be with you. And when you are here with me, my life is leaving me."

"Shut up Namjoon." You cried."You will survive,okay? We will live together. I..... I love you Namjoon."

Tears fell from his eyes. But he shook his head and then whispered,"My princess, I love you too. But my organs are giving up. I can feel my life leaving my body inch by inch."

You cried more. Namjoon tried to raise his hand, you held his hand and kissed its back. He kept his hand on you cheek while you held it.

"I always wanted to tell you, you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. And about your standard, then it's unbeatable. I can never match it, it's so high. I always wanted you, and now, it feels so good, I am dying when you are here."

"It's not good Namjoon." You cried.

"It is..... Promise me a thing, both of you."

Both you and Tae nodded and bent closer to him.

"Never tell anything about this to Jungkook. It will always remain a secret." He then looked at you and said,"Always be with him, take care of him, love him like you love me. I know, he will always keep you happy."

"But Namjoon-"

"Please...."You nodded and then finally promised him.

"Tae.... Vini is a very good girl, I have always seen her as my little sister. Take care of her, always keep her happy."

Tae nodded as he sobbed more.

Namjoon looked at you and then said,"I wish I could kiss you again, but I can't. Life is strange,isn't it? But our love isn't. Our love is seraphic, we might not be together physically in the same world, but we will be together in your heart."

You nodded and wiped your tears.
"I wanna meet Jin and Yoongi Hyung."

You and Tae nodded. You bent and kissed Namjoon's forehead and looked at him for a few minutes, as if trying to memorize his features thoroughly.

Both of you left the room while Jin and Yoongi went inside.


A/n: 😭😭😭😭😭

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