Chapter 39

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The next day also, you kept thinking about Vini. You realized something, her behavior was changed in a strange way since past few days. She was never that much interested in shopping, but since a few days, she was going to the market regularly.
She was always on her phone, chatting with someone. Okay, this wasn't what tugged you, but the fact that Vini was always hiding her phone from you, like she didn't want to show you something on her phone, tugged you. It's not like you wanted to see her chats or anything else, you truly respected her privacy. But the fact that she is your best friend, your only childhood friend, and she is hiding things from you, made you feel very uncomfortable.

The whole day in the office, you kept thinking about her. In the evening, while coming back from the office, you decided first to meet Jungkook, to check out how he is now.

Around 8:30pm, you reached Jungkook's house. It seemed like he was on the door, waiting for you only, coz you didn't even have to ring the doorbell when he opened the door.

"Were you waiting for me?" You asked and he nodded, smiling sheepishly.
You came inside and he closed the door.

"How are you feeling now?"

"Better." He said and you nodded. And yes, he wasn't lying. He seemed to be in a better condition. Though his nose was obviously, still running, he seemed better than the last day.

"Good. You ate your dinner?" You asked.

"No, actually I wanted both of us to have a dinner together." He said.

"Umm.... But Jungkook..."
You were about to speak when he kept his finger on your lips and said,

"Please. It's a request."

You couldn't deny to his puppy eyes, and so, you finally agreed. He began to jump happily, like a child and said,

"Since I am feeling better now, so I made the dinner for both of us."

"Really?" You asked and he nodded. You smiled and said,"I would love to have the dinner then."

He smiled and asked you to sit on the couch while he went to the kitchen. Meanwhile, you texted Vini about this and she replied to it with an Okay.

Again, strange, she would have asked u a lot of questions till now, like, till when are you going to come back home, or like, how all of a sudden. But her reply was just an okay.

You were interrupted by Jungkook, when he came and sat right next to you, while he kept a big tray on the dining table. On the tray was a big bowl and two dishes. You opened the lid of the bowl and saw Bulgoggi, your favorite dish.

"This is your favorite dish right?" He asked and you nodded excitedly.

"How do you know this is my favorite?"

"You told us all in the party." He said.

"I still remember it."

"Must say golden maknae, you have a very good memory." You said.
He smiled and straightened his chest up, crossed his arms and exclaimed in pride, "Ahem!!!!!"

You laughed and then, you both had your dinner. You both then washed the dishes.(Initially Jungkook was washing them but then, you also joined him.)

You both then decided to play some video games. Then, around 10:00pm, when you were about to leave his house, and you were standing on his door, he said, "May I ask you something?"

"Yah, sure."

He looked a little bit nervous. He bit his lower lip and then asked, "What do you think about me?"

You looked at him in confusion and said, "I didn't get it."

He came a little bit closer to you, his breath was now touching your forehead."You know what I mean."

Okay, so now, you actually knew what he meant. But still, you were not at all ready to face it. "No Jungkook, I seriously don't know what you mean."

He held your hands, bent a little so that he could make an eye contact with you. His eyes were glistening, with some kind of affection, which you never saw in anyone else's eyes, except in that of Namjoon.

You tried to look away but then, he held your chin softly, and made you look at him.

He was having a very tender smile on his face."I have feelings for you ever since I saw you. I was too scared to admit it. But right now, I don't know how, I gained the courage to admit it."
His words left you shocked. You never really imagined that Jungkook had feelings for you.

"I know, my words, these words all of a sudden, are shocking. But I will give you time. I don't know if you feel the same about me, so , tell me do you also..."

You were quiet. You didn't want to face this situation.

He gave a small sigh, almost inaudible, but then he smiled and said,"It's okay.I know it's so all of a sudden. Take some time." He said and then, he gave you a small peck on your cheek. He then let go off your hands. You immediately ran back to your car, while Jungkook just saw you while smiling. You never really imagined about this thing.

But the next thing, when you reached your home and opened the door, was something that you couldn't have ever thought of, even in a million years.


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