Chapter Forty-Six

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I sat on my bed, staring at a half-empty closet and I just didn't know how I'd be able to do it. How can I just pick up and leave when everything that makes me happy is here? Sure, there are things that make me upset here and really make me regret some decisions I've made but shouldn't the good outweigh the negatives? And if there's more good than leaving really worth it?

"Hey, I need your help with something, come by the house tonight?" Tayler explained, as I read his message. "Dress up, we're filming." His second message came through and I couldn't help but sigh as I thought about the effort I'd have to put in.

I looked over at the many and quite frankly unnecessary amount of options I had, when my eyes landed on the dress I wore for my first date with Noah. That night was the first night I had ever worn it and I couldn't help but think it was now tainted with memories of everything that happened. But it really was a cute dress...maybe I should wear it, give it a new ora; a positive one.

Putting the finishing touches on my makeup, I walked over to my closet, eyes peeled on the dress, still debating whether or not I'd give it another try. I'm already going to be thinking of Noah all night, what's the difference if I'm wearing this dress or not?

Looking in the mirror, I checked myself out, making sure everything was in order before grabbing my purse, phone and keys and heading towards the door.

"Oh, sweetie, you look gorgeous." My mom complimented, as she looked at me from the living room. "Going out?"

"Just helping Tayler with something." Locking the door behind me, I entered my car, turning it on but before I left the driveway, I reached for my phone. "I'm leaving in two days, we should talk." Pressing send, I let out a breath as I thought about where that conversation could go. There were so many possibilities that it was honestly stressing me out.

Walking into Tayler's house, it was quiet...and that's one thing this house isn't. I heard voices coming from the backyard, so I made my way over there, assuming we'd be filming outside, which makes what I'm wearing even more unnecessary.

"SURPRISE!" Jumping back, as confetti was thrown in the air and flashes went off every five seconds, I looked around at a group of people all dressed to the nines, staring at me.

"You leaving really sucks, Regs...but at least it gave us another reason to party." Tayler explained, walking over to me. "I'm really going to miss you, you know?" Bringing his hand to my cheek, his thumb swiped along my skin and I couldn't help but let out a sad smile. How am I going to survive without my friends? Tilting my head to the left, I buried it in Tayler's hand as I tried to fight back the tears.

"None of that," Casey said, pulling Tayler away from me. "no tears, no sad smiles, no"


The party was amazing so far and I had everyone around me that made me the happiest person alive but there was still one thing hanging over my head. Just as I reached into my purse to pull out my phone, I felt it buzz.

"I'm outside." Locking my phone, I looked around, wondering if anyone would notice I was gone...from a party thrown specifically for me....never.

The music seemed to disappear as I closed the front door behind me, making my way over to the boy who was leaning against his car with his hands shoved in his pockets. Watching as he lifted his head towards me, his eyes focused on my dress and a small part of me was hoping we could just ignore the obvious.

"I don't want to keep you for long." He explained, pushing himself off his car with his back. It was the first time in days that I was seeing him and though it might not seem like a long time, when you're used to spending every day together, as friends and as more, days can feel like a lifetime. "I can't believe you're actually going, Regs. You know I never wanted this, I-"

"Then what did you want, Noah? Since clearly it wasn't me."

"Are you kidding me?" He asked, stepping closer to me. "You're all I ever wanted. The second I got to LA, you were the reason I stayed. You made me feel the most secure I've ever felt in my life. But when I kissed you, in the bathroom, everything just complicated after that and it was starting to look more like I was going to lose you than anything else. We said...we promised that we would be friends no matter what and I was trying to make sure that we kept that promise-"

"By getting with my best friend?" I said, cutting him off. "Noah, if you thought we were better off as friends, you should have just said that instead of causing all this shit!"

"That's just it, Regan," He said, stepping even closer to me and cupping my face as he continued, "I don't think we're better off as friends."

A/N: OHHHH! The conversation Regan DESERVES! The chapter YOU GUYS DESERVE! How is this conversation going to end? Will Regan and Noah work things out? Will things go south yet again? Let me know!

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