Chapter Three

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His hand wrapped around the glass of water that had been sitting there, waiting for his arrival and all I could do was mimic his actions. Grabbing the glass in front of me, I took a sip from the straw, trying to avoid looking like a love sick puppy. It's not that I liked Noah or even had a crush on him but the thought of that podcast coming out and everyone who listens to it thinking otherwise was really getting to me. At the end of the day, I didn't say anything I wouldn't say to his face and I sure as hell didn't say anything bad about him, but knowing the people I hangout with, they'll turn it into something more than what it was meant to be.

"So what did you guys talk about on the podcast?" Jaden asked, spinning his fork around in his plate of pasta.

"Oh, nothing real-" I began, trying to avoid the conversation at all costs.

"You'll just have to wait until it comes out." Casey said, smirking as she cut me off.

"And um," The nerves in my voice were as real as they could possible be as I spoke. "when is that...going to be...exactly?"

"Are you good?" Jaden asked, looking over at me.

I mean, maybe I was just freaking out over nothing. Noah must know how attractive he is...inside and out, right? There's no way that me saying all that stuff is going to affect the dynamic as much as I think it will.

"I'm fine." I replied, taking another sip of my water. "So Noah," I was trying to change the subject as much as possible and in the quickest way I could. "How do you feel about makeup?" Watching his face turn from neutral to confused, I couldn't help but laugh.

"Excuse me?"

"I have an idea for a little series on my channel and I think you would be the perfect person to start off with. I can't exactly tell you what it is, just yet," I explained, knowing what his next question would be. "but I can tell you that you're going to look hot! Well, moreso than you already do." Receiving a couple of laughs from the other end of the table, I looked over at them as I placed my hand on Jaden's left should, giving it a squeeze as I said, "Don't laugh too much, boys, it'll be your turns before you know it."


"I'm here and I've brought the guest of honour!" Tayler said, barging into the house, holding up a box of booze.

"Praise the Lord!" Bryce exclaimed, running over to Tayler and grabbing the box.

As time passed, more and more drinks were had and everyone seemed to be on cloud nine. Casey was singing Karaoke with Nick, while Griffin and Bryce were doing flips in the pool and Jaden was flipping through Spotify to play his own songs.

"So you're really not going to tell me what the video's about..." Cracking a smile as Noah walked into the kitchen, I hopped onto the counter, scooting myself back from the edge.

"No way." I said, shaking my head as I brought the drink to my lips.

"Oh come on, you can't expect me to just go in blind."

"And why not? Some things are left best as surprises." Sarcastically rolling my eyes, I watched as Noah began pouting as he walked towards me, placing his hands on either side of my legs. "Sorry hotstuff, but this pretty little face of yours is not going to get me to tell you."

"There's gotta be something I can do...something you want." He said, bringing his face closer to mine and in this moment...there were a hell of a lot of things I wanted from him.

The room fell silent and all I could think about was how amazing his eyes were. I had never been this close to them before so I never really saw the true colour of them. I straightened my back up as I placed my hand on his right shoulder, giving it a light push and sliding myself off the counter.

"Nice try, pretty boy." I said, smiling as I left the kitchen.

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