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Smut Alert🔞💀

I just nodded at his sudden question and let him do what he wants. He grabbed me more tightly and made me sit on his lap. His eyes were filled with lust. He attacked my neck, kissing and giving purple marks on it while I interlocked my arms around his neck. He then slowly came towards my lips and pushed his tongue into my mouth. Our lips were moving in sync while our tongues were rolling and trying to dominate in each others mouth. I tightened my grip around him too deepening the kiss while Taehyung's hand were roaming all over my body, touching every edge and curve.

He then stood up & grabbed me by my wrist taking me into his room & locked the door & suddenly pinned me to the wall, kissing deeply again making me moan a little. "I want to hear you moan my name, babygirl." He said pushing me down on the bed, hovering over me while his one hand was touching my side curves. He pulled down my dress strap and slowly took it off leaving me in my bra & panties while my hands unbuttoned his shirt and took it off. I must say his biceps really freaked me out. He then took off my underwears too after taking off his pants and boxers.

"I am loving what i am seeing. You're so beautiful, babygirl." he said with a smirk. "And you're so huge." I said with a moaning because his hands were rubbing my private area. He gave some wet kisses on my inner thigh and then pushed his member inside me & started thrusting at a low pace making me eager for him. "Faster!!!ahh!!" I said but he smacked my ass hard "you're not allowed to tell me anything, babygirl." I just then allowed him to do what he wanted. After few thrust he started thrusting his member inside me in an inhuman pace making me moan his name loud. I was already dizzy because of the drink and the pain & pleasure was making me more dizzy.

"I'm Cumming..." I said grabbing his hair tightly and moaning his name. I cummed and about to sleep but the beast inside him wasn't tired at all. He hovered over me & started kissing putting his mouth inside me making me moan again then he started kissing my jawline down to my collarbone and my breast. I grabbed his hair tightly when he started sucking my left breast while massaging the other one with his hand.
Then he did the same with my right breast giving some time on it making me throw back my head from pleasure.
His hands was touching every part of my body and he was kissing it where he wants.He then lay beside me hugging me tightly in his embrace. " you're so good in this. I wish you could remember everything tomorrow but I know you won't. " he said pecking my lips and forehead. He hugged me more tightly while caressing my back.

Next morning

I woke up seeing an unfamiliar place & was feeling pain between my thighs & was feeling some warm breath on my neck. I turned my face to see and it was a man of 20s. He was so handsome and was looking so cute that I was just staring him at first until the reality hit me My eyes widened because of one thought and I checked under the blanket and saw that we're both naked & his hand is on my waist. I moved his hand carefully so that he won't wake up. I decided to ran away before he wakes up. I picked up clothes, get changed and just ran away from his lounge with his one coat because I can't roam around like that.

Y/N on her way to home

(Y/n's pov)
"Shitt y/n!!! What have i done? I really just slept with an unknown man. I can't believe I lost my virginity to an unknown man. I don't even remember his name. Ahhh!!!! I shouldn't have drunk last night. I should've listened to Jisoo. I only remember till jisoo left and I'm blank after that. What am I gonna do? Ummm....wait, I'm an adult and was drunk. It's not like I love him or like him or anything. It is just a mistake. Yes, it's a mistake and I bet he will also think it like this because if he would've known me, we wouldn't be end up like that. I was drunk as hell and he was also probably drunk that's why we did it. So move on y/n , it is just a mistake.
Shit!!! It's almost my college time, I should hurry up."
(Y/n's pov end)

Meanwhile Taehyung @ the lounge

(Taehyung's pov)
"Y/n!!! Y/n!!!! Are you there? Where did she go?" I stood up from the bed and saw her clothes were not there. "Huh!!! Did she just left? Really y/n? You just left without saying anything to me! Someone wants to play hide & seek with me. You shouldn't have done that y/n. You don't know with whom you're playing with, daddy will find you soon & you will be his. You're mine now babygirl, only mine. I know your name that's all I need, live your life y/n until I find you." I called jimin "Hello Jimin, I have some work for you. Meet me in the office at 3."
(Taehyung's pov end)

Time skip//: @ Taehyung's office

"Yes boss!" Jimin asked. "Jimin, there's a girl name y/n, she came to our bar last night and we went to our lounge. I want you to find her for me and find each and everything about her, where she works, her friends, her family. I want everything on my desk as soon as possible. " Taehyung said. "I'll first go and check the footage of you and her in the bar and will send you every update soon." Jimin said & with that he left. "Just wait for me babygirl". Taehyung said with a smirk.

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