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Next Morning

I woke up and went downstairs to see Taehyung but he already left for his work so I called Jimin "hello Jimin, I need your help. I want to confess my feelings to Taehyung so can you please bring Jisoo here. I need her help to plan a surprise for him." After hearing this Jimin agreed and brought Jisoo home for me.

"Thankyou so much Jimin. Please keep this secret from him and bring him home on time." I said smiling.
I took Jisoo to my room and started telling my plan to her. She and I together decorated the room with heart balloons and candles all over the room. It was almost the time for Taehyung to come home so Jisoo said goodbye and went home. I went upstairs immediately and get changed into some cute clothes with some makeup on.
I was waiting for him when I heard his car in the garden.

He came inside the house and called out my name. I already told the lady to tell him to come to my room as soon as he come. He knocked the door and came inside and had an undescribeable expression on his face with the cutest smile. He saw me "y/n did you do this for me? Don't tell me this is what I'm thinking" he said blushing with his bread cheeks. I hold his hand and came closer to him and chuckled.

"Yes, what you're thinking is right. I have done all this just for you. Thankyou Taehyung for coming into my life, for protecting me, for loving me. I'm sorry for making you wait for me. But now I'm clear with my feelings. Taehyung, I love you. I'm not only attracted to you but I love you and I love you the way you are." I said blushing while coming more closer to him. I looked in his eyes and they were sparkling with happiness. His hands snaked around my waist pulling me more closer and asked in his deep voice
"Can i y/n?"

I chuckled and interlocked my hands around his neck while brushing my lips to his. He smiled and kissed me. I closed my eyes feeling his love for me. He tightened the grip making the kiss more passionate and deep. "Thankyou y/n for accepting me. I love you so much" he said between the kiss. "I know that's why I'm sorry to make you wait" I said pulling away the kiss.
"No love, you don't have to be sorry. You accepted my love that's enough for me." He said kissing my forehead & pecking my lips again.

"You must be hungry, come let's eat something" I said and walked downstairs together holding hands. We ate our food and I went to the basin to wash the dishes because the lady was sick and I wanted her to take some rest.
I was washing the dishes when Taehyung gave me a backhug and kissed my cheek down to my neck making me release a soft moan. He turned me around and grabbed my waist. He started coming closer reducing the gap between us.

I walked backward and hit the edge of the marble. He leaned against me and kissed my lips. He grabbed me tightly and made me sit on the marble, kissing me passionately. I was breathing heavily from the feeling. We were kissing deeply when we heard someone's footstep so Taehyung pulled away the kiss and picked me up in a bridal style taking me upstairs. I crooked my face in his chest while he opened the door of my room and placed me gently on bed.


He smiled and hovered over me cupping my face with his beautiful hand. "You're so beautiful, love. I might not hold myself back."

"Then don't. I want it too. I want you Taehyung" i said kissing him while removing his coat and unbuttoning his shirt.

He got surprised by my actions.
(You didn't know what had gotten into you but you knew that you can't hold it too.) He attacked my neck and started giving purple marks on it while removing my top and removing my bra leaving me half naked.

He lowered himself , massaging my breasts and giving kisses on it, giving time to each of them making you moan. His shirt was opened and i could clearly see his abs. He sat on my lap removing his shirt, unbuckling his leather pants, i could clearly see his boner which turned me on more. He removed my skirt and rubbed my private area. "You're wet already!" he said with a smirk and removed his boxers along with my panties. He put his mouth inside me and licked my clit with his tongue which made me throw my head back. He pulled out his face and adjusted his member inside me and waited for me to nod indicating him that now I'm ready.

His member was so big that i grabbed the bedsheets tightly and nod.
He looked and started thrusting inside me at a slow pace "I'm sorry love. Pain will soon fade away and you will feel good." He said and started thrusting at a faster pace "ahhh!! Tae!!! It feels so good." I said moaning his name loudly. "Ahh!! Faster! Baby"

After few more thrust, I felt something in my stomach and I knew that now i can't hold "Taehyung, I'm cu..Cumming " I said which made Taehyung increase his pace , thrusting in an inhuman pace making my head throw back in pleasure. We both came at the same time and Taehyung pulled out his member and laid beside me holding me into his embrace.

"Are you ok, love? I hope I wasn't too harsh." he said cupping my face while putting a blanket over us. "I'm okay and it was the best. Thankyou Tae."
"I love you. I will never hurt you. Just don't leave me ever." he said putting a strand of my hair behind my ear.
"I will never ever leave you because I love you too" I said and pecked his lips and was trying to pull away but Taehyung hold my face making the kiss deep.

"You must be tired, come let's sleep" he said grabbing my waist tightly placing my head on his chest. I was recieving immense amount of love from him which I had never received from my parents.

I woke up and saw Taehyung sleeping like a baby so I pecked his lips gently trying not to wake him up but he opened his one eye and said "good morning, love. Why you woke up so early? Come let's sleep more "
I almost sat up but he pulled my wrist and hold me tightly. We both were laying on bed and only Taehyung was sleeping
when I heard Taehyung's phone ringing. I got up and picked his phone from the table. It was Jimin calling him so I woke up Taehyung. He was so sleepy that he had hardly opened his eyes and said "hello" in the most deepest voice of his. His voice literally gave me chills.

But suddenly Taehyung opened his eyes wide and started yelling on phone "how dare he do this? I will not let it slide this time. Now I have to show him what I can do. Jimin, come home immediately." He said and threw his phone in anger.

I got a little taken back by his actions but he hold my hands "I'm sorry, I did all this in front of you. I'm sorry for yelling like this in front of you but I think I have to go for 2-3 days because of some my mafia work. But promise me you will not go out alone and you will stay in the house until I come back. We never know but HyunJin might use this situation. So don't you go out alone." he said and hugged me tightly. "I promise i will not go anywhere but just be careful."

(A/n's pov)
Little did they both know that all the things which happened was all a part of HyunJin's plan to abduct y/n and to take his revenge for killing his precious brother Seungmin.

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