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(A/n's pov)
I know many of you are thinking how HyunJin got to know about y/n mudering Seungmin. So this is what happened, when y/n and Taehyung left the place where Seungmin died , one of the men who was killed by Taehyung just pretend that he's dead in front of them he was only injured but wasn't dead. When Taehyung and y/n left the site, he called the driver of Seungmin and went to the hospital. He was badly injured that's why it took some time for him to tell everything to HyunJin.
When he was in a state, able to talk, he told each and everything that happened with Seungmin and with them on that day.
When HyunJin heard all of this, he ordered his men to go to Taehyung office to inform him that he knows everything but his men saw y/n and called HyunJin then he ordered his men to tell him to talk to him.
(A/n's pov end)

Back to the scene

"I don't care what you do to me because you are trying to touch something that's mine and before you do anything I will kill you. And yes, you are the only person who can dare to do something with me but can't do anything because you are the second most dangerous mafia for a reason because you can never do anything except threatening and don't forget I'm the number one in this mafia world and it is not difficult for me to get rid of you. And about the offer, what do you think my answer will be, huh?" Taehyung said scoffing .

"I am only giving you this offer, it's up to you whether you accept it or not and it's not that I can't do anything it's just that I didn't wanted to do. Now I'm not gonna talk long, it's simple if you don't give me y/n then I will snatch her from you... for forever." HyunJin said and cut the call.

(Jimin's pov)
I was bringing the car in the parking lot for y/n when I saw some men holding guns pointing at y/n & Taehyung who was talking to someone on the phone. I stopped the car and ran towards them with the gun but suddenly Taehyung throw the phone on the floor in anger and shoot them in their heads. I have never seen him in anger like that, he was boiling with anger, his face was all red and all his neck veins are clearly visible. I went to him taking away his gun.
(Jimin's pov end)

"Where were you Jimin? Thank god i came down because y/n left her phone. You are my bestfriend that's why I'm letting you go but be careful from next time. And y/n you, Don't you dare again to leave the house. Ahh!!! I will kill all of them. No one can touch y/n." Taehyung said groaning while punching his hand on the wall. "I'm sorry Taehyung, it will not happen again. Let's go miss y/n." Jimin said and opened the car door for me.

(Y/n's pov)
The whole time I was thinking about Taehyung. The way he got so angry for me. The way he said that no one can touch what's his. My heart literally flustered by his actions. I decided to make some delicious food for him to make him happy. I went to the lady and asked his favorite food. She told me that he loves japchae and his favorite vegetable gimbap.
(Y/n's pov end)

I was almost done making his favorite dishes when I heard some footsteps behind me and I knew it was Taehyung. I was turning around but he grabbed my waist from behind and placed his chin on my shoulder. " ok?" I asked. "I'm sorry to yell at you earlier but I got scared " he said in a sad voice. "Scared of what Taehyung?" I asked cupping his face on my shoulder.

" Scared of losing you." he said sobbing. I suddenly turned around and saw that Taehyung was crying lowering his head. I held his face with both my hands "Don't worry. I will not go anywhere. I am always here and I know you will protect me." I said hugging him. "Y/n I love you. I really really love you. I love so much." He said caressing my back.

"Now stop crying and come and eat. I have made your favorite dishes" I said grabbing his wrist and make him sit on the chair. He wiped his tear and gave me a cute boxy smile. I sat in front of him and was smiling seeing him eat his food."What are you looking at?" Taehyung said which made me snapped out of my thoughts. "No..nothing." i said lowering my head glancing Taehyung in between.

(Taehyung's pov)
I didn't know that I love her this much. I literally cried for her.When HyunJin men came earlier and she was alone I got so scared of loosing her. I just wanted to hug her but y/n actions really surprised me. I couldn't stop smiling because she made food for me, she hugged me on her own. She comforted me. I was eating my food amd couldn't stop smiling because y/n was glancing me. I literally got flustered and shy because of her cuteness.
(Taehyung's pov end)

We ate our food and Taehyung was going towards his room but I stopped him "Taehyung, if you don't mind can we talk for some time?" I said shyly.
"Why would I mind,love?" he said and sat beside me on the couch. "What should we talk about?" He asked cutely. "Anything about you. I want to know about you. I want to give us some time. Time in the sense like I want to know everything about so I can make sure that I love you."
I said . "So right now you don't love me?" He asked.

"I think I love you but I'm not sure right now. I'm confused between attraction and love." I said in a little disappointed voice. He chuckled to my answer and gently rubbed my head.
"Why are you so cute, love?" He said
"Stop making my heart flutter and start telling me everything now." I said
"So ask me anything, love." he said taking my hands into his. "Why did you choose me? I mean you're a powerful man, women are crazy for you then why you only chose me?" I asked. "No reason, my heart just chose you when I first saw you. I never believed in love at first sight until I saw you. I never believed in love until I started loving you. You may be not believe me but after losing my parents you're the only one who made me smile again, comforted me again, wiped my tears. I really love you y/n" he said and leaned closer to kiss me but I got flustered and turned away my face.

He again sat straight and asked "do you still hate me y/n?" "No, i don't and now i am not even scared of you being a mafia. I accept you as who you are but I need some time to untangle my thoughts and feelings for you. I want to be sure before doing anything." I said with a smile and stood up to go to my room. But Taehyung grabbed my wrist and pulled me closer to him making me fall on him on the couch.

"Taehyung....wh-what are you doing? I don't wan-" I said "Don't worry, I'm not gonna do without your permission this time. I just want you to hold you for few minutes" he said cutting me off. He hugged me tightly and pulled away after few minutes "Thankyou for not hating me and be ready tomorrow we're going for dinner." he said "but you told me to stay at home" "yes, but when I'm not around. No one can dare to touch you when I'm with you. I already bought a dress for you and you will find it tomorrow in your cupboard so please wear that." he said and went to his room.

(Y/n's pov end)
I stood there with my cheeks burning with shyness. I went upstairs to my room and laid down on the bed like a living dead body. I grabbed my cheeks and couldn't stop smiling. "He asked me for a date!! Ahhhh!!!!!" I screamed loudly but then remembered that Taehyung might hear me, he's sleeping just downstairs. I was eagerly waiting for tomorrow night.
(Y/n's pov end)

(Y/n's pov end)

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