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"No one is going to come here and save you" he said and started touching my hips and leaned closer to kiss me. I moved away my face and was trying to push him but he didn't budge a bit. I was looking for anything from my hands to make him get away from me when my hand touched a big rock. I picked that rock and hit him hard on his head which made him groan in pain and he passed out. I was already shivering & when I saw that he wasn't breathing & blood was coming out of his head and in no time his blood was all over the place. I panicked and can't think of anything. I just stood there in fear when a man grabbed me by my wrist & pinned me to the wall. It was Mr.Kim.

"Mr. Kim, thank god you came. I-i-i kil- killed him. What am I gonna do , Mr. Kim? I really didn't wanted to kill him. It - i-" I said to Mr. Kim in fear but he just hugged me and started caressing my back. I heard Seungmin's men coming towards us. "Mr. Kim , they are coming, what are we gonna do? I don't want you to get hurt because of me. Please go from here. Go"

He just hugged me & started caressing my back "Don't worry y/n, you will be safe. No one can harm you." I hugged him more tightly but suddenly his men came and saw Seungmin. "You both are dead now, you don't know who did you kill. He was HyunJin's younger brother." they said pulling out their guns. Mr. Kim looked at them " Oh so he's HyunJin's brother but do you know with whom are you messing with." Mr.Kim said pulling out his gain. My eyes widened when one of the Seungmin's men said something unexpected to his other men. "Hey, don't do anything. He's Taehyung. The enemy of our boss. He is right now the number 1 mafia of South Korea. It's better for us to go for now". with that Seungmin's men slowly walking backwards and tried to run away but Mr. Kim shoot them in the head.

(Y/n's pov)
My eyes widened and jaw dropped. I couldn't believe Mr.Kim is the mafia & he literally killed 3 men in front of me without any fear in his eyes. I was literally begging him earlier to go save save his life. I know he saved my life but the fact that he's a mafia, who kills people easily only to make their work easy.
(Y/n's pov end)

Taehyung turned around to see me but I lowered my head and my pupils were shaking. He tried to hold my hand but I pulled away. "Yes, what they said was true & I know you hate me now but I can't leave you alone because I know HyunJin. He loved him more than anyone in this world. So you're in big danger now. So you have to come with me." Taehyung said .

"And what I refuse to come with you? I don't even want to be with you. I don't care what happens to me. So just please leave me alone" i said holding my tears. He glared me with his intimidating eyes and picked me up on his shoulder and started walking "you left me with no choice then, I will have to use force because I care for you & i will protect you now." he said while walking and put me in the car. I tried to run but he grabbed me and tied my hands with rope. He sat on the driver's seat and looked at me. I turned away my face from him. He came closer and closed my eyes with a cloth. "What are you doing now?" I asked. "I'm sorry but I can't let you see where we're going." Taehyung said.

(Taehyung's pov)
I was dying from inside because y/n hates me now. She even hates to see me around her but I love her and I can't let her be in danger. She's my life now so now I have to save and protect her even I would love to die for her. I love her with all my heart and I will make her fall in love with me again. I was glancing at her during the whole time but she didn't even turned at me for once.
It was really painful for me.
(Taehyung's pov end)

The car stopped after some time and I felt Taehyung's hand removing the cloth from my eyes and then he untied my hands. He get off from the car grabbing my wrist, I tried to pull away, but he didn't let me. "Now you have seen me as who I am so bear with it now. Don't forget I'm a mafia too." Taehyung said tightening his grip around my wrist. "Yeah, right. What else can I expect from you?" I said following him from behind.

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