Part 11

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HyunJin's men attacked the main hideout place and the bar of Taehyung so Jimin and Taehyung separate to save both the place

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HyunJin's men attacked the main hideout place and the bar of Taehyung so Jimin and Taehyung separate to save both the place. Jimin went to the bar along with men and Taehyung went to the hideout place. Taehyung and his men saved their ammunitions and killed all the men of HyunJin and later Jimin joined Taehyung at the hideout. Jimin was a little injured because a bullet slightly passed through his right hand. "Oh god Jimin! How did you end up hurting yourself? Come inside I'll help you." Taehyung said helping him in tieing the bandage.

Jimin: "So what happened to HyunJin, did he escape?"
Tae : "what are you talking about? He wasn't here, he was at the bar."
Jimin: "no, he wasn't at the bar and I listened to one of his man saying that he went for you. Wait! How are you so sure that he was at bar?"
Tae : "I asked one of his man before killing him and he said he's at the bar. Shit!! Why didn't I think of that."
Jimin: "what? What do you mean?"
Tae: "Y/N ,Jimin!!!! He did this all to distract us. She's alone in the house. I'm sure he went for her. I have to go now."

Meanwhile @ Taehyung's house

I was just wandering around the house after Taehyung left. When I heard a loud thud from the backside of the house so I went there and found a man with long blonde hair wearing a black leather jacket with black jeans was there holding a gun in his hands with blood stains on his shirt. I looked here and there for help but found Taehyung's bodyguards are shot dead and some of them are kneeled down at the gunpoint. Most of the bodyguards went with Taehyung and Jimin so we were not that strong enough to fight with him.

"Finally, we met." he said coming towards me with a death stare and a smile which was mocking me. "HyunJin?" I had never seen him before but the way he was looking at me, I knew that it was him and I knew that I'm gonna die.

"Yes honey, you guessed it right. I'm HyunJin, the mafia and the elder brother of Seungmin, whom you killed but I will not kill you here because you are coming with me and also I want Taehyung to get scared of loosing you and to feel pain for not being able to find you." He said sliding the top of the gun on my face.

HyunJin's men tied my hands and covered my mouth before injecting something inside my body which made me faint in an instant. I woke up after some time and found myself in a dark small room with both my hands and leg handcuffed. "Please let me go!!! Please !!! " I screamed and bang on the window numerous time but no one came or replied. After a while I saw the door swung open.

HyunJin: "so you're awake now? Is there anything you want or say before you die?"
Y/n : "Killing Seungmin was literally a mistake. I know this will not change anything but he always tried to get into my pants and that day he tried to rape me..I.. I was just saving myself. I re..really didn't intend to kill him."

HyunJin punched the wall in anger and gave me a death glare. "Do you know what you're saying and about whom you're saying? Do you think I will forgive you because he did all these to you? "

"Listen you bit*h, you have killed my brother and I do not care what he tried to do with you. He had always done that. Playing with girls was his hobby and you were one of them. This wouldn't have happened if you have played along." (THIS IS JUST A FICTION!! DO NOT ENCOURAGE THIS KIND OF ACTIVITIES IN REAL LIFE) HyunJin said and slapped me so hard which made my nose bleed. "Don't give her food or water.She will be dead soon anyway."he ordered his men before leaving.

I knew that I'm gonna be dead soon but before that happens, I really wanted to see Taehyung once. I was missing him badly. I wanted to touch his face, I wanted to listen his voice. I was missing him to death. "Please let me talk to Taehyung once! Please!! I beg you HyunJin, please!!" I screamed for hours and then gave up but HyunJin came after a while "okay! You can talk. Actually, I want you to talk with him so that he can listen you screaming." HyunJin said handing me his cell phone. I furrowed my eyebrows and I thought for a while and I refused to talk because I didn't wanted Taehyung to listen me screaming.

Meanwhile Taehyung @ the mansion

(Taehyung's pov)
I reached the mansion and found my men dead and some of them bowing infront of me saying sorry to me. "What the hell happened here? Y/n! Where are you y/n ? Where are you my love? Please come out, everything is fine now. I'm here now. Please come out y/n." I searched every corner of the mansion calling her name. "Tell me each and everything that happened here. Don't you dare miss a single detail." I asked one of my men grabbing his collar and he started telling me everything. I was worried as hell when Jimin came to me "Don't worry, Taehyung. We will be able to find y/n before time. Just try to remember anything about HyunJin where he could take her and you will be able to find her easily. Just try to think Taehyung, he must've told you something when you were friends." I was trying to think when my phone rang and i immediately picked up.
(Taehyung's pov end)

"Hello, I know HyunJin this is you. Please don't you dare hurt her. Please. I will do anything. Just don't hurt her." Taehyung said panicking.
"Well, well, I'm sorry Taehyung but I can't promise that because I have already hurt her enough and if I hurt her more she'll die and now it's too late for you to do anything. But still I'm giving you two hours to find her. If you come before time, you'll meet her. If not then I'm sorry." HyunJin said laughing. "I will make sure to kill you with my own hands, you fuc*ing piece of shit. Just let me hear her voice once so that I can be sure that you didn't kill her." Taehyung said chewing his fake gum in anger.

"Don't forget y/n is with me and your behavior can hurt her. You want to listen her voice, right? Ok, i will let you do that." HyunJin said and put me on call. "Tae! I'm fine. Don't worry lov-aaaaaahhhhhh!" I tried to pretend that I'm fine but HyunJin grabbed my hair and pulled it tightly . I immediately close my mouth to stop myself screaming. "Don't you try to act cool infront of me bitch!" HyunJin said pulling my hair more.

"Y/n, don't worry baby. I will find you and save you. Just wait for me." Taehyung said crying. I took a deep breath and thought to give him some hint about the place where HyunJin kept me "Love, please come soon. I want to see you in my last time just like we saw each other in front of the old school. You remember that, right? Plea--" I couldn't even complete my sentence when I felt a hard slap hitting my face and a hard kick in my stomach which made me faint in an instant. "Baby? Y/n? Y/n you okay?" Taehyung screamed on the call. "Well, that's it for now. It's up to you now whether you'll be able to meet her or not. Your time's start now." and with that HyunJin cut the call.

(Taehyung's pov)
I have only 2 hours now to save her and I don't know the most important thing. Where she could be? But something was odd. Why did y/n talked about some old school when we never saw each other in front of old school? Wait..I think I know where is she. She was giving me hints of the place and that's why that bastard hit her. I will make sure to kill you. You've crossed the limits this time.
(Taehyung's pov end)

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