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Time skip//: after five days
Meanwhile y/n @ the college

I was on my way to my class when I heard screaming someone my name from behind and it was jisoo "y/n!!!! Wait for me. Are you ok now? Did you get home safely that night? I'm sorry we couldn't talk since that day, although I was coming to college I forgot to ask you about that night because of my father's health & when I heard today that now my father is recovering well then I remembered about you." She said.

I was about to tell her everything when I realized that she's already going through so much,so I lied and said "Don't be sorry & yes, i called a cab that night and went home but I forgot to text you because I slept right away. By the way, is your father still in ICU?" I asked in concern. "He's out of danger & because he's recovering well so he is transferred to a private ward." she said with a little smile. "Don't worry, he'll be fine." I said hugging her."Let's go, the person you hate the most is coming towards us." Jisoo said seeing Seungmin coming towards us.

(Y/n's pov)
I hate Seungmin, I just literally hate him because he always touches me in an inappropriate manner which I never liked and warned him so many times. He's rude, he always tries to get me in his pants. He thinks the whole world revolves around him & everyone is his slave just because he's a mafia's younger brother. He always comes to my store drunk and create scenes, because of him I've already quit so many part-time works. He sometimes follows me on my way home at night.
I really don't want him to know about my new part-time work place.
(Y/n's pov end)

"Hey, Sugar. Long time huh!!! I really missed you. Where were you all the time ? Where do you work now?" he asked touching my ass. "I don't care whether you missed me or not & It's none of your business where I work and I've already warned you to not to touch me. You know what, I don't even want to see you, you always ruin my day. Just move." I said brushing his hand from my ass. "Ohh!! Daddy's scared. Hah!! You know what, I will keep touching you everyday and don't you dare speak to me like that. I won't stay still. You know what I'm capable of. I'm just sliding this once, but don't you dare again otherwise you will have to pay with something else, sugar." he said checking me out from bottom to top , licking his

I was in my English class thinking about what happened earlier with Seungmin. To be honest, I was a little scared by his words because he had already raped many women before. I was literally shivering when I got a message from an unknown number "Hello! Miss y/n. You have applied for a secretary job at JM Co. but as you already know that you weren't selected there but we have heard about you a lot and saw your profile and we would like to offer you a job for secretary in our company KTH CO. Please come to our office at 5."

I couldn't even believe what had just happened . I showed the message to Jisoo and she screamed in front of the teacher then she had to go out of the classroom.

Meanwhile Taehyung @ the office

(Taehyung's pov)
I had already confirmed the face of y/n when Jimin showed me the cctv footage of the bar that day. But today he came with all the details related to her. He was watching her closely from the past 5 days. He had already found out about her past, her family, her friends, her financial condition. So I called Jimin to offer her a job in my company. She's going to be my personal secretary. I want to watch her everytime. I want to keep her beside me. I just want her to be with me. I want her to feel my love for her. I want to spend my life with her. She's my first love and I will make her fall for me too.
(Taehyung's pov )

Time skip//: Y/n @ Taehyung's company

I left the college early to get changed for the appointment. I spent almost half hour wondering what should i wear so I just picked up my most decent outfit

and left for the appointment as I was scared of getting late because of the traffic but thankfully I reached there 15 minutes before the appointment

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and left for the appointment as I was scared of getting late because of the traffic but thankfully I reached there 15 minutes before the appointment.

I was looking here and there when a man came outside from the room and said " hello! Miss y/n ,Mr.Kim is waiting for you inside and he told me to send you inside. You can go now." I get up nervously then walk towards the door and took a deep breath and knocked the door. A deep & rusty but a little familiar voice came from inside "come in". I swung open the door,went inside and closed the door behind me and saw that a man was sitting on his chair looking outside the window behind him , facing his back towards me. " hello sir, my name is y/n and I'm your new personal secreta-..!!" I couldn't even complete my sentence when that man, the head of the KTH Co. , slowly turned his chair facing me with a little smirk on his face.

A/n's pov:
Although Jimin found out & told Taehyung everything about y/n but little did he know that he's missing something important, someone around y/n whom he didn't see from the past 5 days when he followed her & neither anyone has the courage to tell Jimin about him. Yes, you people guessed it right , it was Seungmin who is the younger brother of the mafia & the man who's obsessed with y/n & Taehyung doesn't know anything about Seungmin.

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