Part 13

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Time skip 1 year

(A/n's pov)
Indeed " time flies like a wind ".
The incident which made y/n like that took place one year ago but y/n was still in coma while Taehyung was suffering alone. Every single day felt like a whole year. He always stayed beside y/n hoping to see her awake every single day. He started working from home as doctor discharged her from the hospital and now she's home but unconscious. Although, y/n recovered completely i.e. her bruises were all gone and the place where she got shot healed completely but seeing her just lying there on bed unconscious Taehyung still sometimes blame himself but then Jimin comes and comfort him. Jimin and Jisoo also got engaged during that time and Jisoo comes home to visit y/n every two or three day.

One afternoon Taehyung was sitting beside you holding your hands into his and was crying because he was missing you badly when he saw your hands moving and you opened your eyes slowly
(A/n's pov end)

"Ta..Tae..Taehyung." I hummed slowly. On hearing my voice Taehyung immediately looked up at me. "Y/n! Y/n, you're awake baby! How do you feel? You're okay?" Taehyung said smiling widely. "Wha- what happened to me and what happened to HyunJin?" I asked. "Everything is fine love. You want anything?" Taehyung said wiping his tears. "I..I want to sit. My back is really aching." I said tried to sit but Taehyung immediately helped me. I looked him and spread my hands to hug him. He came closer and hugged me tightly. "You know Tae, I had a very long dream and you were in that with me. I saw that I was in some place with you and I couldn't move, talk or anything but I can hear you or see you. I remember you confessing your feelings everyday to me, telling me stories about your childhood, singing me songs. I felt you kissing me. The dream felt so real that I really didn't want to wake up but I had to because it feels much better when I'm with you in real." I said smiling while hugging him when I heard Taehyung sobbing. I pulled away from the hug and saw Taehyung avoiding my eyes.

"What happened baby? Tell me what you're hiding from me. Please. " I said concerned. "The dream you're talking about was not a dream. It was real. You were in coma from the past one year."
Taehyung words shocked me to the death and I was speechless. "I'm sorry for making you suffer alone and thankyou for not leaving my side. Thankyou for being there with me." I said cupping his cheeks.

"I can't describe how much I missed you. I missed your voice, your smile, your laugh. I missed your touch. I missed you so much, but now I'm grateful that you're awake. We will forget that one year of suffering and will start a new life. We will start afresh with just you and me in our small world." Taehyung said and we both looked at each other smiling. Taehyung leaned closer and kissed me. I kissed back interlocking my hands behind his neck. We were kissing deeply, feeling each others warmth and each others touch after so long as if we were kissing for the first time when we heard a loud scream.

"Ahh!!! Y/n!!!! You're awake. Y/n!!" Yes peeps you guessed it right it was Jisoo. On hearing the scream we both pulled away from the kiss seeing her like we never knew her. She came running, and pushed Taehyung to the side and hugged me. I looked at Taehyung, who literally got annoyed by Jisoo, and I smiled awkwardly at him. "Don't you think you should apologize to someone?" Taehyung said looking at Jisoo raising his one eyebrow. "Oh yeah, I'm sorry y/n. I shouldn't have hugged you like that. You just woke up. You ok? " Jisoo said pulling away from the hug. She knew Taehyung was talking about himself but she likes to annoy him for no reason.

"Is she for being real? Yah!! Jimin! Are you seriously going to marry her? She's so annoying." Taehyung said looking at Jimin. "Yah! Tae! She's not annoying, she's just cute." Jimin whined. I looked at Taehyung and we both cringed "eww!!"
"Don't you guys think we should celebrate on y/n's complete recovery?" Jisoo suggested. "Yeah, we should and we will. Let's meet a day after tomorrow at 8 in the evening so y/n could get some rest." Taehyung said and with that Jimin & Jisoo left together.

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