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" Hey Miss Y/n, why are you looking so shocked?" He said with a smirk on his face, walking towards me. "You..but how, i-i mean Why are you here?" I said stammering as he came very close to me making me walk backwards but then I couldn't move back because of the door. I turned my face away to move from there but he pinned me against the door with his both hands beside me. He leaned towards my ear and whispered "how dare you to talk to your boss like that? You're mine y/n..I mean you're my personal secretary Miss Y/n." I felt his warm breath on my neck which made me remember the morning of that day when I saw him laying beside me.

"Thankyou for offering me the secretary position in your company but I'm sorry I can't work here." I said after pushing him back and turned around to walk out through the door when he suddenly said "You can go now but remember one thing, if you go out now then you won't be able to find another work in any company." This made me stop and I said facing him again "what do you want? Is it because of that night? Because I ran away? Or do want anything else from me now? I'm sorry if you got offended that day because I ran away but that night was just a mistake for me. So please don't mess with my life." After hearing my words he was just staring me for minutes but I didn't break the eye contact although I was shivering from the inside from his stare as his eye contact was so intimidating.
He then just scoffed.

"Yes, it is because of that night but not because I want something from you. It's because I wantd to help you because I heard about your financial condition. I know you were searching jobs so you could pay for your further studies." Taehyung lied to you because his real reason to offer you this job was to be with you, make you his , to look at your beautiful face everyday.

"But how did you know all of this?" I asked him with a glare."Did you think I just hire someone without knowing their background details? So unprofessional Miss y/n" He said huffing.

(Y/n's pov)
It was so awkward to work with a man whom I slept with just 5 days ago. I really didn't wanted to work there but he was giving me a very reasonable salary & more importantly his words about not being able to find work anywhere else made me stop from going so I took some time there and decided to work there. "Fine, I'll do my best from tomorrow Mr.Kim ." I bowed down and left for my night shift at the convenience store.
(Y/n's pov end)

Y/n @ the convenience store

I was thinking about what happened earlier at the company when I heard someone entering the store, I got up for greeting the customer but it was Jisoo. We were just chatting then she suddenly asked me "how was your appointment? I bet it went good, right? Is your boss handsome? Tell me about everything."
"Ahh!! Ask me one at a time, ok so firstly I want to tell you something" I calmed her down and told her everything about what happened 5 days ago and what happened today.
"Whatt?? So you mean, you lied to me in the morning because you were worried for me, ok i forgive you for that but wait umm. What??.. you slept with an unknown man 5 days ago and that man is your new boss & now you will work with him." Jisoo said giving me an undescribeable expression. "Woah, Y/n!!!! By the way is he handsome? Judging by what you're saying he seems warm-hearted to me because he's still helping you knowing about what you both did."
Jisoo added.

"I don't know, how to put it but yes he is hella handsome." I asked rolling my eyes. We then just talked about the other things.

Next Morning
I woke up early and get changed into my clothes. I didn't want to put on any revelaing clothes on the first day so I just chose a simple dress.

 I didn't want to put on any revelaing clothes on the first day so I just chose a simple dress

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And left for the office. On my way, I was very nervous about how to face him today. So I started listening some music to distract myself.

I entered the office and a lady came to me "I guess you're the new personal secretary of Mr.Kim, follow me I'll show you your seat" she said leading me the way and showed me my seat which was just in front of the Mr.Kim's office, I could clearly see him through the glass sitting on his chair doing his work. He was looking so hot in his white shirt with sleeves folded that I couldn't take my eyes off until he caught me staring at him. He raised his one eyebrow and gave me a seductive smirk which snapped me out of my thoughts. I turned my face away from him and started organizing my desk but after just a few minutes I heard the phone ringing, I received the call "come inside , Miss Y/n" he said orderly. He already had a smirk on his face when I looked him through the glass. I stood up and went inside his office with a deep sigh.

"Miss. Y/n, come here and help me organizing these papers" I walked and stood beside him, helping him when he asked me something unexpected " Y/n are you avoiding me?" I was speechless at first but then I said "How can I when you're my boss? I'm bound to listen and do everything you say." He just nodded his head at my reply.

Time skip//: y/n @ the convenience store.

I was doing my assignment when Jisoo came and sat beside me. "So how was your day with your handsome boss?" she asked curiously."Don't make me start now, it just went well. But it was so awkward facing him." We then just started talking and laughing about other things when I saw two men walking inside the store. I stood up to greet them but my jaw dropped when I saw their faces. It was Mr.Kim & the man whom I saw before in Mr.Kim's office. "Hello Miss Y/n, I'm Jimin, I'm sorry to introduce you myself late." Suddenly, Jisoo grabbed my wrist and dragged me in the corner "Y/n!!! Do you remember I told you 2 days ago that I saw a man outside our college & I fall in love at first sight. He's the same man". I asked on confusion "who Mr.Kim?". "Nooo!!! The one who just introduced himself, Jimin, oh my god he's so handsome and look at his blonde hair, Y/n, please do me a favour just talk to your boss for a while so I can talk to Jimin outside the store." she said with his puppy eyes which I can't deny.
"Fine, but be quick."

Meanwhile Seungmin @ Y/n's old convenience store.

Seungmin went to y/n's old workplace where she used to work & started throwing all the things and ordered his men to beat the owner & then he asked the convenience store owner about ny whereabouts but he said that he didn't know where is she working now. "Where is this bitch now? She's getting on my nerves, am I joke to her? Huh!!! This bitch needs to learn a lesson but first I should do something to find her. This time she's playing very smartly. I think I know how I can easily find her?" Seungmin said punching his hand on the wall.

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