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Next Morning

I woke up late as I didn't sleep last night because I was so excited for today. I was so happy to go on a date with him. I got up, went downstairs ,ate something and put on a face mask , while setting my hair. It was already 5pm so I start getting ready. I put on my makeup and then the beautiful dress that Taehyung brought for me.

I was wearing my heels when the lady knocked the door "Miss, sir is waiting for you downstairs "

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I was wearing my heels when the lady knocked the door "Miss, sir is waiting for you downstairs "

I went downstairs and saw Taehyung. He wore a black suit with a turtle neck t-shirt inside it. His hair were all curly and he was looking damn hot. It gave me chills when I saw him. He looked at me and a smirk appeared on his face which made me blush instantly. Taehyung took my hand gently and kissed it. It was so difficult for me to hide my shyness from him. He then hold my hand and we left for the restaurant. The way Taehyung was glancing at me in the car between the ride "you're making very difficult for me to drive the car. Why are you so beautiful, love?" He said rubbing my hands gently. I didn't know what to reply so I just turned away my face towards the window and couldn't stop smiling.

(Taehyung's pov)
I literally chocked on my breath when I saw her coming downstairs in the dress which I brought for her. She was looking so beautiful with her hair opened and with a little makeup. She's so damn freaking beautiful that I couldn't take my eyes away from her. Her cheeks were all pink because I was staring her from a long time.
(Taehyung's pov end)

We reached the restaurant but I noticed that there were only the two of us except the staff of the restaurant. We went inside "why there are only the two of us? Don't tell me you booked the whole restaurant!" I asked Taehyung looking everywhere.
"Yup, I booked this whole restaurant for us because I don't want anyone to see you and you know HyunJin is already after you so we can't take any risk." Taehyung said holding my hands tightly and the staff lead us to our seats.

The seat was in a open penthouse from where we can see the sea. I stood up and leaned against the railing to feel the cold breeze as we came to the beach side restaurant. The breeze was a bit too cold for me because I wore a very thin cloth dress. Taehyung noticed that and stood beside me removing his coat and placed it gently over my shoulder.
That gesture of his gave me butterflies in my stomach. I literally skipped a beat there. I looked at him but then the staff brought us our food which Taehyung already ordered for us.

We sat again and ate our food. We were just talking about some stuff when another couple entered the restaurant. Taehyung looked and called the manager "how can someone else come here? Are you guys dumb or what? Don't you people understand why we booked this whole restaurant? Get rid of them rig-" Taehyung yelled angrily but I cut him off hoding his hands "Noo!!! It's okay we were about to go anyways. We want some time alone. So let them come."

"What the hell did you just do right now? Our date isn't over yet. Why are we leaving when I did this all for you?" he said in a very disappointing tone. "Who said our date is over? We're going there." I said pointing at the beach. When Taehyung heard my answer he got happy and hold my hand leading the way. We were about to leave when I noticed the couple. It was Jungkook with another girl.

Jungkook and my eyes met but I lowered my head and was about to leave when Jungkook yelled my name "y/n? Hey, long time huh? What are you doing here? You know what I really missed you after you left me" he said coming closer to hug me but Taehyung pushed him away and showed him his gun tugged in his pocket. Jungkook saw that and backed off. "Woah!! I'm sorry, I just saying hi to her. And y/n, you never told me that you have a mafia boyfriend"

"Why would I? It's none of your business whether I have a mafia boyfriend or not. You mind your own business and I never missed you because you're just a scumbag who doesn't know what true love is, you just go and hang out with every other girl you see." I said and kissed Taehyung on his cheek infront of Jungkook.

Taehyung was looking at me and then he grabbed my waist and pulled me in closer to him. "Don't you dare talk to her from next time. If you want to live stay away from her and us" Taehyung siad to Jungkook before leaving.

We left the restaurant and was walking on the seashore playing with the waves coming towards us. We talked , laughed and giggled. I have never seen Taehyung laughing this much. He showed me the cutest side of his and I fall in love with that side if his. We got really tired of playing and giggling so we sat down next to each other.

"Thankyou Taehyung" I said looking straight at the sea. "For what love?"he asked taking my hands into his. I looked at him and said with tears in my eyes "Thankyou for everything you are doing for me, for protecting me, for being so nice with me. I have never received this much love so I'm not used to it because my parents never gave me the love I wanted that's why we always fought with each other and that's the reason I live alone and pay for my living. So Thankyou for everything." He got touched by my words and gave the warmest smile i have ever seen.

"I will always watch over you & protect you because you are my everything now. I love you y/n and I hope you will tell me your answer soon. I'm not gonna force you, you can take your time. I will wait for you." He said wiping my tears and chuckled. "Why are you laughing?"
"Huh... nothing i just remembered how you act savage earlier looking like a cute tiny nut." He said smiling with his bread cheeks which made me laugh too in embarrassment.

We stood up and left the beach. We came back home tired and we both went to our rooms directly after saying goodbye to each other. I changed into some light clothes and laid down on the bed thinking about our date. I was smiling the whole time remembering all his cute smiles, gesture, actions towards me and especially how he stood up for me infront of Jungkook. Now I was sure that I'm not only attracted to him. I love him. I love him very much and decided to tell him tomorrow and it will be a surprise for him. I planned to call Jisoo tomorrow for some ideas but then slept after thinking about more ideas.

Meanwhile HyunJin

He had given Taehyung a week time but tomorrow is the last day for the deal to over. "I don't think he will accept the deal so it's better to make a plan to abduct y/n from his house." he thought to himself. He was thinking hard when an idea popped in his head. He called his men and ordered them to attack at Taehyung's bar and his hideout places ,where he stores drugs and illegal ammunition and take them into their possession, if Taehyung doesn't accept his offer tomorrow of giving y/n to her and in return he will end his rivalry with Taehyung.

(A/n's pov)
HyunJin used to be Taehyung's colleague and used to work with him under him in his mafia work, he was like a close friend to him with whom Taehyung shared many secrets about his business and his family issues. But when HyunJin got greedy for power he betrayed Taehyung by revealing some of his mafia work's secret and made his own company and become the second most dangerous mafia.

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