Part 12

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Taehyung ordered Jimin to gather all his men. Jimin did what Taehyung told. "No matter what we will have to save y/n! One mistake and you all will die by my hands." Taehyung said grinding his teeth. "But where is y/n, Taehyung?" Jimin asked in confusion.
"HyunJin is keeping her where I first confronted him and from where our rivalry started. I still remember, we were on a mission but because HyunJin already betrayed me and told my secrets to my enemy. I lost that fight and then I confronted him. It was a old school which is located in the countryside and no one wanders there, so it is too difficult to get help there." Taehyung explained.

Everyone came with their guns, all ready. Taehyung and Jimin lead the way. Jimin was driving and Taehyung was very worried throughout the drive.
"Don't worry Taehyung. You need to stay strong. " Jimin comforted.
They reached there in an hour, so it was only 45 minutes left to find her and the school was very big so Taehyung ordered his men to split up and find.

"Y/n!! Y/n where are you?" Taehyung screamed. Jimin and Taehyung was searching everywhere but they couldn't find her. He stood their with his eyes teared up when they heard a loud thud sound as if someone bumped into the door or something.

(Y/n's pov)
I woke up after a while when I heard a familiar voice calling my name. "Looks like your mafia boyfriend found you." HyunJin said scoffing. Taehyung's voice was loud at first but then it started getting low-pitched as if he was going in an opposite direction so I thought about to do something. "Just shut your fucking mouth. He's already here and now you're gonna die soon, you fucking piece of shit. You will die just like your brother." I said and HyunJin grabbed my hair, kicked me in my abdomen and he hit my head with the steel door because of which a loud thud sound could be heard. I knew he would do this. "Don't you say my brother's name with your dirty mouth, you bitch." HyunJin said hitting me again.
(Y/n's pov end)

I was waiting for Taehyung and soon after I could hear the footsteps coming. The door swung open with a loud bang and Taehyung was standing there with gun in his hand. "Woah!! You came early." HyunJin said. HyunJin men came pointing gun at me and Taehyung but Jimin came from behind along with his men. Taehyung's men was more than HyunJin's but that HyunJin pulled my hair pointing his gun at my head

HyunJin: "tell your men to drop down their guns or I'll shoot her."
Tae: "HyunJin it's not too late. You can still surrender and I will leave you."
HyunJin: "hah! Do you think I abduct her to surrender myself? She killed my brother. I will never leave her. I will make sure to kill her."
Tae: "Don't! At least let me hug her once."
HyunJin: "Fine! Drop your gun and come here."

Taehyung dropped his gun down and walked towards me. He hugged me and started sobbing seeing me like that. There were bruises all over my face and blood was flowing from my nose and mouth. I could barely open my eyes.

Taehyung held my face and cupped it "Don't worry, love. I'm here. I will save you. I love you" Taehyung said sobbing. "Don't tell me you're crying Taehyung and just because of a mere girl." HyunJin said and started laughing. I grabbed Taehyung's hand "Don't do anything Taehyung. Just don't. I love you too." I said but Taehyung suddenly grabbed HyunJin's hand and turned his hand making him leave the gun. He kicked him and HyunJin bumped into the wall while Taehyung's men and HyunJin's men started fighting with each other and Jimin was giving a backup to Taehyung from behind.

Taehyung and HyunJin was fighting as if their life was dependent on it and which was. Taehyung sat on HyunJin and punched him numerous times and then he grabbed and hit him with a metal rod on his head which made him faint. All the men of HyunJin died by the hands of Jimin and Taehyung's men.
Jimin checked HyunJin's breath but he wasn't breathing. Taehyung dropped the metal rod and came closer to me and hugged me. "Tha-th-Thankyou baby. Thankyou fo- for saving me. I..I.. I knew you would come." I said hugging him tightly.

Taehyung ordered Jiminto bring water and to call ambulance but it was impossible for the ambulance to come at that place. Jimin went out to bring some water. Taehyung kneeled down to pick me in his arms when I saw HyunJin getting up, holding the gun, pointing at Taehyung. I immediately pushed Taehyung to the side and the bullet hit me in my stomach. Taehyung's eyes widened, he immediately turned around and shot HyunJin in head. Taehyung held me tightly and started crying.

"No, no.. why did you do this?why? Please baby, please, stay awake. Don't close your eyes. You have to spend your life with me." Taehyung said crying. "It's okay, baby. Don..Don't cry. Please promise me you will move on. Please forgive me. Please do not hate me. Remember me for a long time but don't ever blame yourself. I..I have always loved you. I never told you but the first time I fall for you was the night we first met. I'm sorry if i ever hurt you. I'm happy that you came in my life and that you were my first and my last. Don't cry. I...I love you. I love you very much Tae...." I said crying and cupping his cheeks for the last time and then my eyes closed.

(Jimin's pov)
I ran inside as soon as I heard the gunshot sound. I reached the room and saw that Taehyung was crying badly and y/n got shot in her stomach. Taehyung saw me and he picked her immediately in his arms and ran towards the car. He put her inside and kept talking to her trying to awake her but she didn't budge. I speed up the car to the fullest and we reached the hospital. Doctors came and took y/n to the operation theatre. I went to Taehyung, he wasn't even blinking, his eyes were all red and was breathing heavily.
(Jimin's pov end)

"Tae! Tae!" Jimin said shaking his shoulder. "Jimin! Jimin, y/n will be alright, right? Tell me, she'll be alright. I have already lost all my precious one's. I can't afford to lose her too. I'll die if I lose her too." Taehyung said kneeling down on his knees crying. Jimin knelt down too and hugged him. "Pull yourself together tae! You need to be strong. She's gonna be alright. You will not lose anyone. Everything will be alright. No one's gonna die." Jimin said comforting him.

Soon after a while the gates of the operation theatre opened and y/n came out of the room unconscious. "What?what happened to her? She's out of danger,right? She's alright, right?Taehyung asked the doctor.

Doc: "I can't say that she's all good but yes she's out of danger."
Tae: "wait! What do you mean you can't say she's all good?"
Doc : "I'm sorry to say but she's in coma (a state in which a person cannot be awakened and fails to respond to anything)
Tae: "what? How? Please wake her up. I can't live without her"
Doc: "I'm sorry but I can't say anything. I think she hit her head with something very hard which caused internal bleeding in her head. You have to be grateful to God that you brought her in time otherwise you know what I mean."

Doctor said and with that he entered the ICU where y/n was shifted. He checked her again and came outside
"Please try to talk to her everyday. Try to make her happy because we never know may be she could hear you." Doctor told and left bowing to Taehyung.

(Taehyung's pov)
I couldn't even believe that y/n is in coma. My heart broked into pieces seeing her like that. I was watching her from the outside and she was just lying there with bruises all over her face. She was in that state because of me because she tried to sacrifice herself to save me. I started blaming myself when I remembered her words saying "not to blame yourself." I wiped away my tears and took deep breath and entered the room and sat beside her, holding her hands into mine. "I will make sure you wake up. I'll do everything to wake you up. You're my life, love. I will always be there for you. I will never leave you alone. I love you my love. " I said cupping her face.

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