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"Mr.Kim, what are you doing here?Can you both give us some time to talk alone?" I asked to help Jisoo & with that Jisoo and Jimin went outside the store. "I was just passing by from here then I remembered to buy some soju and ran into you" Mr.Kim said.
I took his things from his hand and billed them.

(Taehyung's pov)
I actually went intentionally there because I was missing Y/n's face badly and I really wanted to see her. At first I was looking her from afar, the way she laughed, oh god! she looked so beautiful that I couldn't control myself and just came inside.

Meanwhile Jisoo tried to break the awkward silence between them as Jimin was glancing her "hey! I'm Jisoo, y/n's bestfriend". " Hey, I'm Jimin, i work for Mr.Kim & I must say you're very beautiful." Jimin said taking her into his & pecked her hand gently. "Umm..thankyou and you're very cute and handsome." Jisoo said blushing. "Umm..Do you mind giving me your number?" Jimin said shying. Then they exchanged numbers with each other. Although Jimin was a big flirt but with Jisoo he felt something else which he never felt with others, he was not like he usually is. He was feeling like a boy who has fallen in love for the first time.

I hand him the bill and the change when his hands brushed against mine, his hands were so soft. I looked him and pulled it but Mr. Kim suddenly held it tight. "Mr.Kim, what are you doi-" I couldn't complete my sentence when Jisoo and Jimin entered which made Mr.Kim pulled away his hands too. It was almost the time for my shift to over as it is 2am and my shift last from 9pm to 2am so I went outside with Jisoo when Mr.Kim offered us both to drive home. "No, it's okay, she's staying with me today so we can go by ourselves " I said holding Jisoo's hand. "Don't be like that, Miss Y/n. I can drop you both as it is already late and I was also going in that direction . So just hop in." I agreed and we went home. After reaching home Jisoo was telling me about his conversation with Jimin and then we both lay down silently. A thought came in my mind about Seungmin & Mr. Kim
& I started wondering how I sometimes like some actions of Mr.Kim because he literally seems warm-hearted and on the other side how I hate every action of Seungmin whom I just hate.

Next Morning @ Taehyung's office

I was looking at Mr. Kim through the glass when I saw him smiling at his phone. It was the first time seeing him smile & he looked so cute. That particular time I realized that Mr. Kim has made some impact on me that I've developed a soft spot for him in my heart. I was just staring at him with a little smile but he caught me staring at me and I immediately lowered my head in embarrassment.

(Taehyung's pov)
I was looking some photos of Y/n which made me smile she was looking so beautiful in photos, although she's more prettier in person, I couldn't take my eyes from her as I turned my face to see her i saw that she's already staring at me with a smile and when she realized she lowered her head. Oh god!! She's so freaking cute. I can't, I just love her. Only I know how badly I want to touch her, kiss her, love her. I was lost in thoughts when Jimin messaged me that he's going to Busan because of my mafia work.
(Taehyung's pov end)

Time skip//: Jisoo on her way to hospital.

Jisoo was on her way to visit her father in hospital when someone hit at the back of her head making her passed out right away and they took Jisoo in a big black van. After 2 hours, someone threw water on her face and slapped her hard to wake her up. She woke up with her eyes barely opened & was feeling pain at the back of her head. She saw Seungmin in front of her with some men and all of them had guns in their hand. "W-wh-what do you want from me? Why are y-you doing this to me? Wh-what have I done?" Jisoo asked shivering. "Firstly, You did nothing wrong, I just want Y/n. Where is she? Where does she work? I just want to know this much only." Seungmin asked cupping my face.

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