Chapter 1

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It was the start of the new school year and my best friend, Toni, and I are excited to go into a new school year. I see your phone light up and see it's a text from Toni: "Y/N!!! YOU THERE? ANSWER MEEE!!!". So of course, I decided to answer her because if I didn't she would blow up my phone with 5000 texts. "ye whatcha want?" I texted. "are you excited for school tomorrow? I am" she asked. I replied with "yeh but Billie jus gon bully me like always" (Billie lives opposite me). Toni replies "oh yeh sorry bout that, just try to avoid her yaknow". "ight ye I'll try" I replied. "alright coolios now get some sleep, goodnight cheerio" Toni said. "goodnight see ya tomorrow" I said before drifting off to sleep.


I heard my alarm go off at 7:00 giving me time to get breakfast, brush my teeth, get dressed and do my hair.

I went downstairs and got myself a bowl of cheerios. I finished and put my bowl by the sink to wash it after school.

I went upstairs to the bathroom to brush my teeth. When I was done I got into some baggy trousers and a short sleeve oversized top.

I then brushed my hair and left it down. I got your bag and started going out the house when I saw Billie. I closed the door a bit making sure she wouldn't see me because I knew if she saw me she would start annoying me straight away.

I watched her as she walked down the street before leaving my house. I got a text so I opened my phone to see Toni had text me, "hey y/n I ain't comin to school today cos I'm sick so yeh, have fun at school". I said to myself 'typical Toni' then replied "ok hope you get better soon, luv ya" then walked to school.

When I got to school ai walked through the doors only to see Billie standing there with one hand holding her backpack strap on one shoulder and her other hand in the pocket of her baggy trousers.

She was leaned against the wall and was smirking at me when I walked through the doors. "well hey y/n, good to see you here" and I simply said "go away, you are so annoying, you know that?" as I walked past her.

As I continued walking she followed close behind me, I got really annoyed by that so I shouted "GET AWAY FROM ME, DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND? I HATE YOU, I ALWAYS HAVE SO LEAVE ME ALONE!".

She looked at me right in the eyes in disbelief for a few seconds. She then pushed me into the lockers, got a good grip on my neck and said "don't you dare give me that attitude again". I was trying to wriggle out of her grasp but she only held me tighter.

"you done?" she said when I stopped trying to escape her grip. I didn't say anything back to her so she said "I said, are you done?". "yeah" I replied.

She let go of me and moved out the way so I could walk to my first lesson, Billie is in all of my lessons so she walked behind me and I could feel her staring at me the whole way to class.

lol don't judge I can't write stories.

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