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I walked to class and Billie still had her arm around me. I sat down in my seat and the teacher shouted to Billie "er Billie, you don't sit there anymore". "wait what why" Billie said confused. "because it's clear that you and y/n can't work nicely together" the teacher said. "no miss, she's fine, I can work perfectly well with her next to me" I said defending Billie. "fine but you only get one chance" the teacher said.

Billie sat down with a smile. "don't mess it up" I whispered to her. "oh I won't" she said while smirking. "a thank you would be nice" I whispered to Billie. "I know right, it would be nice," she said sarcastically, knowing it would annoy me. I just sighed and did my work.

I felt Billie's hand on my waist and I just dropped my head on the table because she was getting really annoying and it made a massive thud. Billie just laughed. Everyone was looking at me because of the massive thud. "do your work y/n" the teacher said. I grabbed my pen and started writing.


Billie's friends really hated me from the day I started in year 7. They saw me walking alone to my locker so they walked up to me. "hey look, it's y/n" they said. "oh my, it's is? I never realised" I said sarcastically. "ok imma say this in the nicest possible way, stay away from Billie," one of them said. I never found out their names but I didn't want to anyway, I didn't care about them. "I never go near her, she always follows me," I said, starting to get annoyed. They just looked blankly at me and one of them said "yeah, well, just stay away from her". "er yeah ok, but I-" I said but got cut off when I felt hands around my waist. "she doesn't have to stay away from me, but you will if you keep treating her like that" Billie said.

She kissed my cheek and rested her chin on my shoulder. "do you see what she's doing Billie" one of her friends said. "she's not doing anything" Billie said defending me. "she's stealing you from us" her friend said. "um I don't think so, I made her talk to me so actually I stole her" she said.

She turned my head with her finger and kissed me, I kissed her back of course. "that's disgusting Billie, you could at least find someone better than that" her friend said. "how about you go away, never talk to me again and stay out of my damn business" Billie said, "come on love, let's go home". "we have another like 4 lessons to go though" I said confused. "I'm sure no one will mind," she said. "fine, but if I get bad grades it's your fault," I said.

She kissed my neck, grabbed my hand and started running. "oh my god Billie slow down" I said because she was running too fast. "alright hurry up then" she picked me up and started running again. "oh for god sake put me down" I shouted. "Ok ok, come on then," she said as she carefully put me down.

We got to her house and Billie reached her hand into her pocket to get her key out. She started panicking and looking through all her pockets. "looking for this?" I said while holding her key up.

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