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"fine, I'm smiling cos I like your morning voice," I said.

"oh, you do huh?". Billie grabbed my face and kissed me. We were kissing and it was all going well until "um ladies". It was my mum.

"oh my god, what mum," I said really annoyed.

"let's go, I heard she's allowed to leave so I signed her out already," my mum said sharply.

"ugh come on Billie," I said really annoyed. She didn't move and I knew why. "baby" I corrected myself. She smiled and started walking with me. We got in the car and mum drove us home.

"am I still going to school?" Billie asked.

"yeah," your mum said. Billie groaned.

"come on it's not that bad," I said patting her shoulder.

"yeah, but what if I get a headache," she asked.

"then I'll tell the teacher to let us go to the hospital," I said.

"or I could just stay home and rest" she said.

"as much as I know you'd love that, you ain't staying home, I wanna stay with my baby," I said in a baby voice. She turned her head to look out the window but I could see in the reflection that she was smiling.


"girls' dinner will be ready in half an hour," mum said.

"what are we having?" I asked.

"pizza and chips, and yes Billie it is vegan," she said.

"thank you," she said. I felt her walk up behind me and then felt her hands on my waist. She kissed my cheek. "remember what I said earlier" she whispered in my ear. I shook my head to tell her no. "I said I'd give you more" she whispered. She started kissing my cheek again and slowly kissing down my jawline. When she got to my neck she started lightly sucking. I let out a small moan only she could hear. "you like that huh" she whispered in my ear.

"Mhm," I replied.

"If we go to your room I'll give you more" she whispered.

"Yeah" I whispered back. "uh mum, we're gonna go to my room," I said.

"alright girls have fun," she said laughing.

"Why are you laughing," I said confused.

"cos I know exactly what you girls are getting up to," she said.

"what do you mean," I said.

"don't think I didn't hear what you guys were whispering," she said laughing more.

"oh," I said and awkwardly laughed. I heard Billie burst out laughing.

"go on then have fun," mum said.

"oh, we sure will," Billie said while laughing. I walked to my room and closed the door.

"you are so annoying," I said.

"maybe you shouldn't have moaned," she said sarcastically.

"maybe you shouldn't have started it," I said.

"maybe you shouldn't have wanted it," she said.

"Maybe I don't anymore," I said crossing my arms. She pinned me to the wall by my waist then grabbed my hands and pinned them above my head.


"SORRY!" Billie shouted back, "anyway, I know you want it so don't deny it"

"I don't want it," I said back to her. I could feel her warm breath on my neck then felt her soft lips on it. She started softly kissing and then harshly sucking. I tilted my head giving her better access and she started sucking more violently leaving a hickey. I moaned quietly. She picked me up and threw me on the bed.

She then crawled on top of me and said "knew you wanted it". She grabbed the bottom of my shirt and said "may I?". I nodded to tell her yes. She then proceeded to take my shirt off. She started kissing me from where she gave you hickeys down to my stomach.

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