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... "we will do all we can ma'am," he said. They took the water hoses off the fire engine and started spraying the building with water. "is it alright now sir?" one of them asked. "yep, you can go check the building now" another one replied.

A few minutes later I saw the firefighter run out of the building. He was carrying someone.

It was Billie!

I ran up to her. "stay back ma'am, she is in a very unstable condition" he said. "will she make it?" I asked. "from the state she is in, we do not know," he said as she was put on a stretcher. They lifted it up into the ambulance and I watched it drive away. I just stood there crying. "she's gonna be okay y/n," Toni said. "really? Cos they just said she was in a very unstable condition" I answered back sharply.

I ran home and went into my room. I broke down in tears unable to breathe properly. "hey what's wrong y/n?" my mum asked opening the door. "Billie ran inside the school when it was on fire to save Toni but she was found in a very unstable condition and they don't know if she's gonna make it," I said, gasping for air. "why don't we go to the hospital to see her," my mum said. "okay" I replied. We got in the car and she started driving to the hospital.


We went to the front desk at the hospital. "can I help you" the lady said. I could see her name tag Kate. "um yeah, we're looking for Billie Eilish" I said. "yep okay, give me a minute to see if she's on our system" said Kate, "er yep, she's in room 108 on the 3rd floor, just use the lifts or elevator, take a left and go down that corridor until you see the door that says room 108". "thank you" I said. "no problem have a good time" she said.

We ran to the lift and pressed the button with a 3 on it. It was silent in the lift and it was just us two.

The doors opened and we walked quickly to the left and down the corridor. "mum there" I said, pointing to the door that said room 108. I ran up to the door and knocked on it. A doctor opened it and his name tag said Kev. "hi there how can I help you" he said. "hi is Billie Eilish in this room?" I asked. "yes do you know her?" he asked in response. "yeah she's my friend," I said. "alright you can come in but she's not in great condition". "thank you," I said and walked in the room.

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