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I woke up half on top of Billie. "morning beautiful" she said.

"hi," I said, "what time is it?".

"time to get your ass off me" she laughed.

"yeah yeah," I said getting off her.

"ok, the plan for today is give me attention, have breakfast, give me attention, get lunch, give me attention, get dinner, give me attention and fuck me," she said.

"so I might as well just be right next to you the whole day," I said.

"Yup," she said.

"and what do you mean by fuck you?" I said.

"you know what I mean," she said, "you could... right now," she said.

"Alright," I said. I swung my leg over her so I was sitting on her lap facing her. "you have to be quiet cos my mum will hear you" I said. I kissed her and then started kissing down her jawline. When I got to her neck I started harshly sucking leaving hickeys.

She started letting out small moans so I covered her mouth with my hand. I pushed her down so she was laying down on the bed. I got on top of her and started taking her shirt off. I then started sucking her chest leaving more hickeys.

I unclipped her bra and threw it on the floor and started leaving more hickeys on her breasts. She was letting out small muffled moans because she was covering her mouth. I kissed down her stomach and when I got to her trousers I started playing with the hem to tease her.

After about a minute I slid them off leaving her in just her black lace thong. "stop teasing" she moaned. I took her thong off and started playing with her folds. "stop teasing" she said again.

I slid two fingers in without warning making her gasp. "oh my god baby fuuccckkk" she moaned. "shut up" I said. She put her hand over her mouth again. "baby I'm g-gonna c-cum" she moaned. "hold it" I said.

I took my fingers out and connected my mouth to her clit and started sucking. "cum for me mamas" I said. She moaned loudly while still covering her mouth. She then released in my mouth and I cleaned her up. I then went up to her and kissed her so she could taste herself.

The end. Lol thanks for reading, this is rlly bad but don't judge cos it's my first time trying. Have a good day :)
Also if you have any ideas for my next story comment and I might use it :)

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