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"thank you" I said and walked in the room. Kev closed the door behind me. We walked over to Billie. "do you know if she'll be okay?" I asked. "there's a 75% chance she will make it". When he said that I got a little happy because it's quite a high number.

It killed me to see Billie with tubes in her nose that connected to a bag with what looked like air or something.

I sat down in the chair next to the hospital bed and held Billie's hand. "would you like to be alone with her for a minute?" Kev asked politely. "um yes please," I said. Mum and Kev left the room closing the door behind them.

"hey Billie, I don't know if you can hear me but I love you. Remember when you started tickling me and told me to say I love you? That was the first time we said we loved each other. And when I spent the night at yours, I felt really safe in your arms. And when your friends were annoying me and you helped me you looked really cute when you did that" I said, "please Billie, don't leave me".

I heard a long beep come from the machine and the line went flat. "WAIT NO BILLIE, STAY WITH ME PLEASE" I shouted and burst out crying.

Kev and mum rushed in. "oh honey I'm sorry," she said and I started crying in her arms.

Kev pulled out a walkie-talkie and said into it "we have an emergency in room 108, code blue". "NO PLEASE" I shouted. "we're gonna need you to leave ma'am," Kev said. "no please, I wanna be with her," I said. "ma'am, we cannot allow that, please leave," he said. Mum walked me out of the room and I sat on one of the chairs outside the room. I heard muffled shouting.

A few minutes later the shouting stopped and I faintly heard "time of death". "NO STOP THIS IS A DREAM" I shouted not believing that Billie actually died.

The doctor came out of the room and said "I'm sorry". I broke down and started crying even harder. They let me in the room to talk to Billie. I grabbed her hand and said, "please Billie, don't die, I need you, I love you".

I heard a beep, but this time with gaps. I felt a squeeze on my hand and then saw her finger twitch. "DOCTOR COME HERE" I shouted. "yes ma'am... Wait what? How is this possible? Ma'am, I think you just somehow brought her back to life" he said in shock, "Okay ma'am, step outside for a minute" Kev said. I went outside.

A few minutes later Kev came out of the room again, "you can go see her if you wish"...

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