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She started kissing me from where she gave me hickeys down to my stomach. She grabbed the back of my bra and she was about to unclip it when I heard "GIRLS DINNERS READY".

"oh for god sake," I said really annoyed. Billie just laughed.

"put your shirt on, hurry up," she said. I put my shirt on as quickly as I could then walked downstairs.

"Billie what did you do to my daughter?" mum said when we entered the kitchen.

"huh," Billie said.

"do you think I'm that blind? On her neck!" she said.

"oh right yeah, she asked for that actually," Billie said.

"Oh. My. Days" I said really annoyed.

"and what took you so long to come downstairs" mum asked.

"oh she was putting her shirt back on," Billie said laughing.

"is that so?" mum said looking at me.

"I only had Billie's permission to take it off, she was the one that actually took it off," I said.

"anyway here's your dinner," mum said. Before mum gave us the plates Billie stood behind me and put her hand around my neck when mum turned around knowing it would annoy me and mum. I pulled her hand off.

"Billie, I know very much you want my daughter as your dinner but you have to eat real food before her," mum said.

"I'll eat as quickly as I can in that case," Billie said.

"oh my god both of you shut up," I said getting really annoyed. We sat down and watched some random TV show that was already on.

"hurry up and eat that" she whispered.

"go away imma eat at whatever speed I want," I said while pushing her face away. She started eating and I saw in the corner of my eye that she was eating pretty fast. "slow down you're gonna choke" I said worriedly.

"don't worry I'm fine, imma get some water, you want one?" she asked.

"yeah," I responded. She went to the fridge and got 2 bottles of water.

"catch," she said as she threw one at me. I caught it but it almost hit my face.

"jeez Billie you tryna kill me or something," I said annoyed.

"sorry," she said. After a while, she finished her dinner but I was still eating. "hey let's go" she said.

"bruh can't you see I'm still eating," I said.

"hurry up then," she said.

"you tell me to hurry up one more time and I'll kill you," I said really annoyed.

"alright sorry," she said. After about 10 minutes I finished eating and Billie looked at me. I saw her already smirking at me.

"Billie I don't feel like it," I said.

"why not," she said as a frown appeared on her face.

"cos I don't want to right now" I responded.

"ok baby I'm sorry, do you wanna watch a movie," she asked softly.

"yeah," I said and smiled. We put on a movie that we both agreed on and cuddled up with each other. When the movie finished I was asleep. Billie picked me up and took me up to my bed. She got in bed with me and whispered "I love you baby, goodnight" and she kissed me on my head and went to sleep.

The next part is a bit of smut and the last part lol.

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