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She grabbed my hand and pulled me in for a hug. "ya know, what I wrote on that paper in class was a lie" I said while hugging Billie. "you wrote like 3 things, which one" she asked. "that we're just friends" I replied. "you like me?" Billie said, hopeful. "maybe" I said, rethinking what I just confessed to her. "aha knew it," Billie said and softly hit my chest.

It annoys me a tiny bit that she hits my chest so I said "that is so annoying, stop it". "good, I ain't stopping" she said as she hit my chest. "you are so annoying" I said and softly hit her stomach. "oh you wanna play that game" Billie said. She hit my chest again so I hit her stomach. She picked me up and threw me on the bed. She got on top of me and started tickling me.

I was laughing while trying to stop her. "you want me to stop?" she said. "yes" I said while laughing. "say you love me then" she said, "come on, say it". "I love you," I said, still laughing. "I love you too," she said, and she stopped tickling me.

She leaned down and kissed me. I kissed her back and she sat beside me. I sat up as well and she put her arm around me. I suddenly felt so safe around her.

"wanna watch a movie?" she said. "um yes," I said sarcastically because she knew I loved movies. "I'm choosing," she said "we're gonna watch a horror movie". "oh why, you know I get scared easily," I said. "that's why we're watching it". I gave Billie a death stare and she awkwardly said "I love you" and she kissed me. I kissed her back and then gave her the death stare again. She put on a horror movie while I was still looking at her annoyed.

She looked at me then back at the TV then back at me because she saw I was still looking at her and giving her the death stare. "watch the movie then" she said. I didn't say anything, I just slowly turned my head to look at the TV.


There was a jump scare and I screamed and buried my face in Billie's neck. She laughed really hard and I slowly lifted my head and gave Billie a 'keep laughing and you'll be dead' look, and she stopped laughing and looked back at the TV. "that's what I thought" I said.


The movie finished and I was asleep on Billie's chest. Billie ran her fingers through my hair and kissed my head, "goodnight baby, I love you" she whispered. And she fell asleep with her arms wrapped around me. I felt so safe in her arms.

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