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"ugh fine," I said walking to the hospital bed.

She grabbed my face pulling it closer to hers. She leaned over to my ear and whispered "ask the doctor when I can leave".

I looked at her and said, "why can't you".

"cos I can't be bothered".


She kissed my lips, and then softly kisses my neck. "ask him and I'll give you more than that when we get home... A lot more" she whispered.

"fine". I know she's just saying that to make me ask the doctor. I walked to the other side of the room where Kev was and said "uh hey, do you know when she can leave".

"yep, we've just got the results back and it says she's stable enough to go back home, but if she feels dizzy, nauseous, have headaches or stomach pains she needs to come back as soon as possible".

"Ok". I walked back over to Billie and said, "you can go now but if you have headaches, stomach pains, or start feeling dizzy or nauseous you need to come back straight away".

"yeah ok lemme pack my bags then," she said, struggling to sit up.

"no, I'll do it".

"thank you". She flopped back down on the hospital bed. I realised she was pretending to struggle to sit up. I just stared at her really annoyed. She saw me staring so she did a really fake cough and smiled.

"you are the laziest being on this planet," I said really annoyed.

"you want me to help then?".


She got up and walked over to me and helped pack. I then walked away leaving her to do it by herself.

"why are you making me do it by myself?"

"maybe if you didn't pretend to struggle and make the fakest cough ever I would help you"

She sighed and started packing. After a while I noticed she was getting a bit out of breath so I walked over to her. "baby sit down, I'll do the rest" I said, helping her back to the bed. I laid her down and kept packing. I finished packing after about 10 minutes and closed her bags. "you ready?". I got no response from her so I turned to look at her and she was fast asleep. I let her sleep and sat in the chair next to the bed. About 20 minutes later she woke up. "hey babyyy I packed all the stuff, you ready to go?".

"yeah," she said in her raspy morning voice, *it was the afternoon*.

"get up then". I helped her up.

"how long was I asleep for?".

"about 20 minutes". I really liked her morning voice so I started smiling and blushing.

"What are you smiling for?".

"oh, nothing". I started blushing an inhuman amount.

"you can't tell me that's nothing, you literally look like a tomato from how much you're blushing right now".

"fine, I'm smiling cos I like your morning voice".

"oh, you do huh?"

School Bully (edited)Where stories live. Discover now