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I texted Billie to apologise for what happened in class. She always texts straight away and now I know why, but she didn't answer for 15 minutes, she left me on read.

I went on Snapchat to see if I could find where she is on there. It said she was at the park so I grabbed your stuff and went out of my house.

"er where do you think you're going, you just got back from school," my mum said. "making something right that I wronged," I said then dashed out of the house.

I ran to the park and saw Billie on the bench by herself with her head in her hands.

I sat down next to her and said "hey". She didn't even look at me. "get away from me y/n" she said. "why are you so annoyed at me?" I asked a bit annoyed. "because I like you, ok" she said sharply. "then why did you always hurt me?" I asked.

"cos I didn't accept my feelings towards you so I hurt you in hopes I would lose interest in you but it just made me like you more" Billie explained.

"you still want me to go to your house?" I asked softly. "yeah sure whatever," she said. I stood up and held out my hand for her. She took my hand and we walked to her house while holding hands. She was still really annoyed so she was dragging her feet. "you're gonna scuff your shoes stop it" I said. She stopped dragging her feet and I was quite surprised she listened.

We got to her house and she took her key out to unlock the door. I let go of her hand when she opened the door but she instantly grabbed it back and said "mine". I laughed.

We walked into the house and she closed the door. She was still upset so she didn't talk to me. She walked me to her room and opened her door, everything was really tidy and I was quite surprised by that.

She closed the door behind her and sat on the end of the bed. "come here" she said annoyed. I walked over to her and stood in front of her.

She said "asshole", and as she said that she softly hit my chest. "div" and she hit my chest again. I didn't mind because I knew she wasn't trying to hurt me and it didn't hurt anyway. "shit head". Every time she said something she would hit my chest. It went on for about 5 minutes.

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