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"tell me what," I said laughing. "nothing," she said. She started walking towards my bed and sat down next to me. "hey I never said you could sit on my bed" I said annoyed. "too bad I'm sitting on it" she said. "whatever" I said and went on my phone.

Billie started moving closer to me but I didn't realise it because I was too busy on my phone.

Billie crawled on top of me.

I was laying on my front so my back was facing Billie's front. She leaned down to my ear and whispered "you wanna know what I was gonna tell you?". "yeah" I said still looking at my phone, not caring that Billie was literally on top of me. "I like you" she whispered in my ear.

I just sarcastically laughed. I rolled on my back under her so my front was now facing her front. When I looked at her she had the most serious face. I then realised she wasn't joking. "ohhhhh my god," I said.

Billie forced a soft smile. "aha imma tell Toni now" I said, still with Billie on top of me. "right so we're just gonna spread the news" Billie says annoyed. Instead of texting Toni, I called her. "oh we're not texting, oh ok" Billie said slightly scared but sarcastic. When I started calling Toni I put it on speaker.

"hey what's up babes," Toni said, she knows it annoys me when she calls me that but she does it anyway. "hey guess what," I said laughing. "what what what what what tell me now," Toni said excitedly for the news.

"you know Billie," I said. "yeah the one that always hurts you and is really annoying, yeah I know her," she said, not knowing Billie was on top of me. I could see on her face that she was not impressed with the way Toni described her. I went on mute for a second and whispered "she doesn't mean it, she just says it to be funny". Billie still looked annoyed. I went off mute again and said, "yeah, she just told me she likes me". "WHATTTT," Toni said, I could hear that she was really surprised by that.

Billie pressed the mute button and said "can you get off that now" and I could tell she was really angry at me for telling Toni. "no, she's my best friend I tell her everything" and went off mute again. "hey why do you keep going on mute" Toni asked. "cos Billie doesn't want me telling you" I said. "wait is Billie with you?" she asked, sounding concerned.

Billie shook her head to tell me to say she wasn't there. "no she went home" I said. "thank god for that, she's the most annoying piece of shit ever" she said.

I got scared real quick because I didn't know what Billie was gonna do to Toni. "really? Is that what you think of me? You wait 'til tomorrow and you'll see how annoying I get when I knock you out! Billie shouted." uh is that Billie," Toni said scared for her life.

"yeah it is, you better hope you don't end up dead tomorrow" Billie shouted. Toni hung up and I knew she was scared. "is this how you always talk about me behind my back?" Billie asked. "no, I don't, she does" I replied.

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