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"You can go see her if you wish". I walked in and saw Billie with her eyes open. "Billie!" I shouted and ran over to her. "hey love, you okay?" she asked. "yeah but are you okay?" I asked. "yeah," she said.

I cupped her face with my hands and softly kissed her lips, she kissed me back. "I love you," I said. "I love you too baby," she said. "you saved Toni from the fire," I said happily.

"All I remember is helping her and then a flame shot up in front of me and everything went black," she said. "um yeah, I told one of the firefighters that you were in there so he ran in and a couple of minutes later he ran out carrying you" I explained.

"When am I allowed out of here, I hate hospitals," she said annoyed. "I'll ask, uh doctor, do you know when Billie's allowed to leave?" I asked. "we'll have to do some tests to make sure she is stable enough and when we get the results we will make a decision," he said. "ok thank you," I said, "wait when are the tests gonna be done?". "whenever she feels ready," he said. "I'm ready, hurry up I wanna leave," she said sharply. "alright, ma'am, would you please leave the room, you can come back in about half an hour," he said. "uh yeah," I said. "wait, baby, can you get me some food for, after the tests, I'm starving," she said. "yeah sure," I said laughing.

I walked out of Billie's room and went down the corridor. I then went on an elevator and went to the small shop by the entrance of the hospital. I grabbed some chocolate and an 'already made vegan sandwich' for Billie. I then went out of the hospital to get Bilie a present so I told my mum to drive me to town.


My mum parked the car and I went into the town centre. I thought she might want some new accessories or something so I went to 'The Jewellery Shop' and got her a silver bracelet with some charms and a really expensive, detailed silver ring. In total it came to about £167 and I paid with my card. I got the silver ring in a nice little rose gold box and the bracelet came in a similar box but bigger. I got a small bag to carry them in then went back to the car. My mum was sitting in the car at the same parking spot. I opened the door, got in and put your seatbelt on.

"back to the hospital?" my mum asked. "yes please," I said. "alright, what did you get?" my mum asked while driving out of the parking spot. "a silver bracelet and a silver ring," I said. "ooo nice, how much?" she asked while leaving the car park. "£167," I said. "bit much," she said. "mum... Billie has just saved Toni from a fire, got trapped IN the fire, had to be taken OUT of the fire by a firefighter, almost died and is now being tested in a hospital" I said to my mum. "fair enough" she said.

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