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... "looking for this?" I said while holding her key up. "oh you're so annoying" she said while laughing. "wait come here" she said and walked out her walkway and closed her gate. "what, you've left your door open" I said really confused. "yeah I know... The last one in my room is a rotten egg" she said quickly. She ran through the gate closing it before I could catch it. "Hey no fair" I shouted while opening the gate.

I ran into the house, closed the door and ran into her room. She left the door open so I ran in. She came out from behind the door, closed it and pinned me to the wall by my waist. "I win," she said. "no you cheated," I said annoyed. "er no, you just have to be faster than that".

Billie got a text from one of her friends: hey something's happened, get to school quickly!!!. "what's that about?" I asked, confused when I looked at her phone. "I don't know but it sounds urgent," Billie said, "come on". We ran to school.


When we got to school we were out of breath but we saw smoke. We were very concerned at this point and went through the school gates to the playground. We heard the fire alarm and saw everyone outside lined up.

The school was on fire...

"WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING, YOU HAD US WORRIED SICK" I heard one of the teachers say. "er sorry, I got hurt and went home to fix it" I lied. I looked at your class line and didn't see Toni. "miss do you know where Toni is?" I asked. "um... She went to the toilet and didn't return" the teacher replied. "WHAT? NO PLEASE TELL ME YOUR JOKING PLEASE!" I shouted, on the verge of tears.

"did you say she went to the toilets?" Billie asked. "um yeah," the teacher said. "y/n I love you," Billie said. "I love you too, why did you randomly say that though," I asked concerned that she said that out of the blue.

Billie started running into the school. "BILLIE, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I shouted. The teacher grabbed me stopping me from following her.

A few minutes later I saw Toni emerge from the thick black smoke with a few cuts and coughing a lot. "oh my god Toni are you ok?" I asked going to hug her. "yeah, Billie saved me," she said while coughing. "where did she go?" I asked worriedly. "she tried to follow me out but a flame shot up in front of her," she said. "w-what," I said. I started crying really hard and fell to the ground. "I'm sorry y/n," Toni said.

I heard the fire engine sirens and ran to them. "can you help me please, my friend is in there and she can't get out" I said to one of the firefighters. "we will do all we can ma'am" he said...

School Bully (edited)Where stories live. Discover now