❤️ S.Coups- Seventeen ❤️

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This is my own original idea

This imagine is inspired by the Home; Run video

Seungcheol and I have been in a relationship for a year now. We are going to be celebrating our one year anniversary together as a couple. I'm not just dating him because he's an idol and the leader of one of the biggest Kpop groups in the world but he is the sweetest and most kindest guy I've ever met. I love him. And can definitely see my life with him in the future. I think we will get married and have a family together one day. All the members of Seventeen are accepting of our relationship. Their company was a bit funny about it at first but they are okay now. They are not going to kick him out just because he's dating someone. That would be very mean. The fans don't know about our relationship yet as we are keeping it a secret from the outside world even though it's been a year. Tonight Seungcheol and I are going out for our first anniversary meal. Don't know where he's taking me or if it will even be a meal. I'll have to wait and see. I like surprises as long as they are good ones. He is coming to pick me up in about half an hour or so I'm getting ready now. He told me to dress casual but nice so I do that. Seungcheol keeps texting me while I'm getting ready. I try not to let him distract me as I won't be ready in time. I want to be ready in time for our anniversary date. I finish off by putting some lipstick on. Seungcheol likes me wearing red lipstick so I do. The doorbell goes and it's him. "Happy anniversary, my beautiful" he said. "Thank you. Happy anniversary too, handsome" I smile. "Wow! You look so hot and beautiful, baby" he said. "Thank you. You do too" I say. "So wanna know where we are going. It's somewhere cool" Seungcheol said. "Sure thing. Can't wait to find out" I smile. Seungcheol wouldn't stop kissing me before we walked out the door. We eventually got out the door and into the cab that was taking us on our date. "I think you'll love where I'm taking you" he said holding my hand. "Will I? Is it where we had our first date?" I reply. "Nope it's not but somewhere the guys and I know" Seungcheol smiles. "Okay I will find out soon" I smile. The car keeps driving till we stop at a mystery place

We arrived at somewhere that looked pretty familiar to me. It's the movie theatre where Seventeen's video for Home; Run was filmed. It's a nice location. "Ohhhh wow so cool. This is where Home; Run was filmed" I say. "Yes it was, babe" Seungcheol said. "So what are we going to do or is there another surprise?" I reply. "Well we are going to watch a classic movie in there. Just the two of us. No one else" he said. "That's perfect. Let's go in" I reply. Seungcheol holds my hand as we walk into the movie theatre. He reserved it just for us on our anniversary tonight. How sweet is he? I have the best boyfriend. We get popcorn and drinks and sit down right at the front. "The movie is a surprise. What do you think it's gonna be? It will be a classic one" Seungcheol said. "I don't know. I couldn't say" I reply. We sit back and watch the titles role and the movie is West Side Story. "Yay! I love this one" I say. "I'm glad you do. Maybe they knew that behind the scenes" Seungcheol said. I smile. This is a really nice and thoughtful date. Something different. Seungcheol and I are not really ones for going out and drinking too much. Sometimes occasionally. We sit together and eat popcorn and sip on our drinks while we watch the movie. "I don't think I have ever really seen this before. It's pretty good" Seungcheol said. "Well today is your lucky day, babe. They are releasing a new version later on this year" I say. "Cool" he says. We say through two and a half hours of a great movie that we really enjoyed. Seungcheol says he has a thing for musicals now and wants to be in one. Oh he makes me laugh. So funny. I was tired by the end and almost fell asleep. "Sleepy, baby" Seungcheol said before we left. "Yeah I know. It's bedtime for me when I get home" I yawn. We leave together and I put my arms around Seungcheol as we get in the cab. "What a great anniversary we had?" I say. "Yes it was pretty amazing. Can't believe you've been my girlfriend for a year now, Y/ N" Seungcheol said. "I know, Cheol. I can't believe you've been my boyfriend a year as well. I love you" I reply. "I love you too, my beautiful girl" he smiles. I arrive back at my place and Seungcheol walks me in after our amazing first anniversary date seeing West Side Story at the movie theatre Home; Run was filmed at. It was definitely a night to remember

It's a few weeks later and Seungcheol and I are going to hangout with the boys tonight at bar. Not just them but a few of them are bringing girls along they know. Not really dating them but kind of. There is pool table where we are going so we'll probably use that. Seungcheol is over at my place and we are getting ready for going out tonight. I know I said we are not particularly the drinking type but tonight we are. Seungcheol is next to me getting ready while I do my hair and makeup. "You're gonna look so sexy tonight, babe" he said. "Thank you. You are too" I smirk. "Oh right" he smirks back. I get ready and into my outfit for the evening. "Wow! Stunning. I have a gorgeous girlfriend" Seungcheol said. "Awwww, babe. You're so sweet. I have the sweetest boyfriend" I reply. Seungcheol takes my hand and we walk out the door together and into the cab. "They guys are on they're way with their friends" he said. "Great. So are they actually dating these girls?" I asks. "I guess so. Seokmin and Minghao says they are just friends but I think they seem more than that. Seungkwan is bringing his cousin who is visiting" Seungcheol said. At least I won't be the only girlfriend there. We soon arrive at the bar we are going to tonight. Seungcheol takes my hand as we walk in. We were a few minutes early so we grabbed a drink at the bar. "What can I get you to drink, my lady?" he asks. "Hmmm a fruity cocktail please" I say. He smiles. As we were getting drinks, the guys arrive at the bar with the girls they are bringing. Seokmin arrives with a pretty blonde. "Hey, guys" Jun said. "You're early" Vernon said. "Made yourselves comfortable" Hoshi said. "Hey, my dudes" Seungcheol said. "Hi, everyone" I said. They get drinks and we start socialising. "Y/ N, meet Soohyun" Seokmin said. "And Miyoung. You girls should get to know each other" Minghao said. "Hey. Nice to meet you girls" I say. Seokmin and Minghao leave me to get to know their girlfriends. They are nice. I got on well with them. Nice not to be the only girl for a change. Maybe they will be around for a while if they are dating them

Later on we get more drinks and play pool together. "Let's group up" Joshua said. "Me and my girl of course" Seungcheol said. "We should go in groups of four if that works or two groups" Joshua said. We decided to split ourselves into two big groups. Seungcheol and I were in the first group with some of the other guys and Seungkwan's cousin. Mingyu was up first. None of us are that good at pool tbh. Well I'm not. He did okay. Seungcheol had a go and then me. "Okay. I'm gonna be crap. This is not going to go good" I say. "Go on, Y/ N" Dino cheers. "Come on, baby" Seungcheol said. I try to concentrate but there was noise. "Shhhhh please" I say. "I like it when my woman gets angry" Seungcheol laughs. "That means you too, Cheol" I say. The noise settled and I could finally concentrate on what I was doing. I only hit one ball. The game keeps going on. At least Seungcheol did better than me. We had lots of fun and laughs playing pool at the bar. We had another drink before we left. Seungcheol came back to my place with me for the night as he is staying. He likes staying over at my place. "That was a pretty awesome night. Eh, babe" he said. "Yes it was. Really great. I enjoyed it. Nice to have some female company for once" I reply. "I know. I'm glad I'm not the only member of Seventeen with a girlfriend" Seungcheol said. "You're not now. They are Minghao and Seokmin's girlfriends even if they say so or not" I say. "Yes they are liars those guys" he laughs. I laugh. So we arrived at my place and got into our pjs and then snuggled into bed when we were tired. We had a great night out with the guys and had a lot of fun. Seungcheol and I are still the power couple of Seventeen and will always be

A/ N: Seungcheol is our phenomenal leader of SVT. One of my very ult groups. He is an amazing person. I kinda had this idea for the imagine from the MV

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