🤍 Minho- SHINee 🤍

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This is my own original idea

Choi Minho and I have been in a relationship for the last few years. I really want us to get married but he is not ready yet. I know his career comes first but I love him and want us to get married and have children soon. I know Minho struggled with the death of Jonghyun at the time three years ago. I know Minho will be a great father one day. It's just convincing him to have a baby. With SHINee's comeback that has just happened. It's probably not the right time as they will be promoting the album for a while. Minho and I have been living together since last year. He moved in with me so we now live together. I enjoy living with him as we are together all the time. I love seeing his face when he comes in from work on an evening. He will be coming home soon this evening. I am getting the place tidied up for him like I do every night. Minho has had a long week involving things with the album so he'll be tired and looking forward to the weekend and a home cooked meal from me. He always tells me when he's on his way home and that's not yet. I will be all ready for my man arriving home. Soon just before I had finished cooking the door opens and Minho walks in. "Hey, sweetheart. I'm home" he said. "Hey, babe. How was your day?" I reply. "Busy you know but I'm home now. I'm exhausted" Minho said. "Awe I bet you are, baby. Just sit down and relax. Dinner will be served in a few minutes" I say. "Thank you, honey. You're the best" Minho smiles. Minho takes a rest for a few minutes till dinner was ready. I have done a rice beef bowl for dinner tonight. "Delicious, babe" he smiles. "Thank you so much" I smile. "Best part of the day is coming home to you, honey boo" Minho says. "Awww bless you. I'm sure you have a great time with the guys too" I reply. "Yeah but not as good as you" he said. I smile. Minho and I had a delicious dinner made by me. He helps me to wash and tidy up before we relax and chill for the evening

In the evening after dinner, Minho and I sit on the couch and chill for a while till we go to bed. Sometimes he goes to bed before me if he's really tired or if he has to be up early. That's not the case tonight as it's the weekend so we can stay in bed till whatever time we want. The future is constantly on my mind. I really want to get married. We sit on the couch together. "Should we watch a good movie, babe? It's Friday night" Minho said. "Yeah maybe soon" I reply. "What's up, Y/ N? You seem a bit miserable" he said. "Nah I'm fine. Just a bit tired" I say. "Come on. Tell me, Y/ N. You got me worried now" he said. "No need to be worried I'm fine" I say. "I think I know what's on your mind. I always know what's on your mind" Minho says. "What?"
I reply. "Babies" he replies. "Yes, Minho. I know you're not ready and I do understand that but I'm ready. I've ready to have a baby for years. Since we got together" I say. "I know, honey but I just want it to be the right time for us. We are not married yet but I know we will be in the future" Minho said. "Yes. I know when we have kids it will be worth the wait" I reply. "Yes. You'll be a fantastic mom one day" he smiles. "And you'll be a fantastic dad" I smile. "Awwww I love you" he said. "I love you too" I smile. We watch a movie and then we go to bed. I'm already in bed and Minho is in the bathroom getting ready. He won't be long. A few minutes later he comes in and gets into bed next to me. "Here I am" he said. "Hello" I reply. "Baby, I'm sorry for not wanting to start a family. I do wants kids but it's hard with a busy full time career" Minho said. "Yeah I know it is but I want this more than anything" I reply. "I love you, Y/ N. I love you with all I have" he said kissing me. "I know you do and I love you too" I reply. Soon Minho and I settled down to sleep. I always dream about our children and having a family with Minho one day. Hope it will happen soon

Minho and I got married a year and a half later. I am now pregnant. We are having twins. I'm almost 8 months on and we are having a boy and a girl. We couldn't believe it when we found out. It's been done now and we are having two beautiful babies. I am just so glad that Minho reconsidered on having kids. It's not that he didn't want kids. It just wasn't the right time. The twins could be here anytime. I think we are just about ready for them. The nursery is all ready for them for when they arrive. The nursery is blue and pink of course for a boy and a girl. Minho and I are at home now having a nice relaxing evening together. Could be one of our last before the babies arrive? Hope it's not though. "I'm so tired" I yawn. "I know. You will be, jagiya. Carrying two babies must be so much hard work" Minho said. "Yes tell me about it. It is. I just want them to be here, Minho" I say. "Me too, honey. Me too. Hopefully not long now" he replies. Minho leans in and kisses me. I end up falling asleep on the couch and he nearly has to carry me to bed but I woke up then. "Goodnight and God bless, jagiya" Minho says. "Goodnight" I yawn. "I am right here for you if you need me, love" he said. I smile at him a little. Minho gets ready and then gets in bed next to me and cuddles me a little

The following week and our twins were born. First was our son, Cheolmin and then our daughter Chanmi, 6 minutes later. Both babies are beautiful and healthy and are doing well. They were delivered via c section. We are so happy to have them in our lives. We are still in the hospital but hopefully we should be coming home by next week. We just can't wait to bring Cheolmin and Chanmi home. Minho is sat in the chair in the hospital room, holding both babies in his arms. "I can't believe they are a week old now, Y/ N. A week of being parents to these two angels" he said. "I know, Minho. They are just amazing. Happy one week, Cheolmin and Chanmi" I say. Chanmi takes a big yawn almost swallowing herself. "Awwww, baby girl. That was a big yawn" Minho said. "Yes it was" I laugh. He holds the babies for a bit longer before putting them back in their cribs. "Our sweet little babies, Minho" I say. "I know. They have the best mommy in the world" he said. "They have the best daddy in the world too" he smile. Cheolmin and Chanmi close their sweet eyes as they fall asleep. Our sweet little babies are here safe and sound and we love them so much. We have our little family now

Cheolmin and Chanmi are now 3 years old. They are both adorable and fun loving kids. They are kinda different in a way. Cheolmin loves spending time with his daddy and uncles and Chanmi loves spending time with me. Minho and I have a third child. A 6 month old daughter called Chaeyeon. She is really beautiful and precious. We love all our children so much. Cheolmin and Chanmi are a great big brother and sister to Chaeyeon. They love her a lot. We love seeing our children playing together. Minho is at the park with Cheolmin this afternoon and I'm at home with our little girls, Chanmi and Chaeyeon. Chanmi is watching her favourite Disney princess movie, Beauty And The Beast. Chaeyeon is sat on my lap and we are watching together. "Are you enjoying it, sweetie?" I say to Chanmi. "Yes" she said. "Appa and Cheolmin will be home soon" I say. "Okay" Chanmi replies in disappointment. She likes having me and her baby sister to herself. About 30 minutes later Minho and Cheolmin arrive home. "Hello, everybody. The boys are back" he said. "Hey. Did you boys have fun?" I say. "Yes we did. Didn't we, son?" Minho replies. "Yep" Cheolmin replies. They join us in the lounge and we have family time together. Cheolmin sits next to Chanmi and cuddles her. Minho takes Chaeyeon for a cuddle. "My youngest princess" he said. "Appa's girl" I reply. Me and Minho have our perfect lithos family now. Our twins, Cheolmin and Chanmi and our baby girl Chaeyeon

A/ N: let's talk about SHINee's big comeback today. It's really good. Don't Call Me is definitely way different from what we're used to but I think it will grow on me. I've missed these guys for the last three years. How good does Minho's red hair look? He's on fire. He is definitely a very fine man

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