🖤 Prince- GHOST9 🖤

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This is my own original idea

Prince and I started dating a couple of months ago after meeting a few months before that. I met in the departmental store I work in when he was looking for something for his mom and didn't know what to get so I helped him. He was a bit clueless and I found that kinda cute. Prince is so cute. I really fell for his cuteness and his charm. His real name is Pasidh and he's from Thailand. I never call him that. He's Prince to me. He always will be. He's my prince anyway. It's only been a couple of months since we started dating but we love dating and spending time together. We learn something new about each other everyday we are together. Prince treats me like his princess. I'm so grateful for him. He's the best and he makes me so happy too. He always finds time for me no matter what. Prince and I are doing something fun today and going to the arcade at the mall. We like it there. It's where we had our first date actually. We are going to have a lot of fun there and can't wait to go again. Prince is coming to pick me up soon. I am getting ready now. It's midday so we are going out pretty early to make the most of the day there as it gets busy later. Prince will be here soon and I'm almost ready for when he arrives. He will be arriving in a cab. I see a car pull up outside my house. Prince gets out and walks to my door. "Hey, beautiful" he said as I opened the door. "Hey, handsome" I smile. "You ready for our fun day" he said. "Yes I am absolutely. I can't wait" I reply. Prince takes my hand as I walk out the door. We get in the cab and drive to the mall where the arcade. It doesn't take us long to get there. When we arrive we head straight to the arcade of course as that's what we've come to do. "Here we are. May hours of fun commence" Prince says. "Oh yeah" I reply. I lead him to the grabber machines. "Let me see if I can try and win you anything" he said. "I'm sure you will" I reply

Prince tries to win me something in the grabber machine but he struggles doing so at first. He does in the end. He wins me a cute minion. I love the minions and he's so cute just like Prince. "Thank you, Princey. You're the best boyfriend in the world" I say kissing him on the cheek. "You're welcome because you're the best girlfriend in the world" Prince said kissing me back. "What to do now?" I say. "Have more fun" he smiles. "Oh yes" I reply. He holds my hand as walk around the arcade. We go to the slot machines and then the basketball game. Prince has quite a thing for basketball. It's like his favourite thing to do when we are at the arcade. I leave him to play basketball for a while. "Yesssss" he keeps going. I laugh a little. I love to see him happy and hazing fun. Prince let me have a go on basketball hoops. "Good but not as good as me" he said. "Haha thanks" I reply. "Nah I was only joking, love" he said. I laugh. Prince spends another little while on the basketball hoops before we had a go on the bumper cars. I like the bumper cars. It's good practice for when I start driving soon. We get in our own bumper car and drive around bumping into each other. Prince bumped into me hard and I almost screamed. "Ahhhh that hurt" I say. "Sorry" he laughs. I get him back. We have fun on the bumper cars for a while before going on a couple of other things. Prince likes the racing car stimulator. He finds it so fun and cool. We both play against each other but he always beats me. I don't mind anyway. "Come on, babe. You need to catch me up" Prince said. "I'm trying to but you're just too good for me" I reply. We carry on a bit longer. Next we have another go on another grabber machine before calling it a day. We've been here for about 4 hours already. Prince holds my hand as we walk out. "That was so much fun, babe. Can't wait to go back again soon and spend more hours at the arcade" he said. "Oh yes me too. I'm sure we will soon. As long as you let me win something" I reply. "Okay we'll see" I reply. Prince and I had so much fun at the arcade today. We loved it. So great

It's been a month since Prince and I went to the arcade. We are thinking of going again. I know it's only a few weeks since we were last there but we can never have enough of going to the arcade and having fun. We also want to see a movie and there's a cinema at the mall so maybe we could combine the two if we go. It's 11pm and I'm just waiting to fall asleep soon. I am texting with Prince like we always do before we go to sleep. As I was sending him a message, he FaceTimes me. I answer straight away. "Hey, babe" I say. "Hey, beautiful. I just wanted to see your face" Prince said. "Awwww that's sweet of you" I reply. "I was also just thinking maybe tomorrow we could go to the arcades again and see the movie we want to see. I think that would be cool" he said. "Yes I think that would be great, Princey. We said we wanted to go again and tomorrow is a good day" I reply. "That's great. It's a date" Prince smiles. Me and Prince can't wait to go to the arcade again tomorrow and see the movie we want to see. It's the next day and I'm meeting Prince at the mall around noon. I have just had breakfast now and I'm getting ready for going out. Can't wait to see my boy. When I'm ready I get on my way to meet Prince. He's not coming for me this time. I decided to meet him there instead so I'm going on the bus. Prince is too. I get on the bus and arrive there soon. Prince is outside meeting me and I run to him. "Hey, you. You look so happy" he said. "Hi, Princey. Well I'm so happy to see you" I reply. "I'm too happy to see you too" he said. He wraps his arms around me and hugs and kisses me. Prince holds my hand as we walk through the mall to the arcade. We had fun there for a while before going to the movies

Prince and I spend a couple of hours in the mall having more endless fun. We didn't want it to end but we didn't want to miss our movie. "Another awesome time, babe" he said. "Oh yes. We always have awesome times. Don't we. Babe" I reply. "Oh yes we do indeed" he said. Prince and I walk to the cinema and we join the line for the tickets and then we get drinks and popcorn. Prince and I love seeing a good movie at the cinema. We get what we want and find our seats in the screen and sit down and wait for the movie to start. We munch on the popcorn and slurp on our drinks. Prince likes kicking me and sticking his knees into me. Me doesn't mean it in a bad way. It's all good. "Sorry, babe" he said. "It's fine" I say. He chuckles a little so do I. After the movie I go to the bathroom before going home. Prince waits till I'm done and then we leave together. "Another pretty awesome day. Don't ya think, Y/ N?" he said. "Yes it was very awesome. You always treat me like your queen, Prince" I say. "That's because you are my Queen, babe" Prince smile. I smile and blush at him. Aawww he's so sweet. Always complementing me. We had another great day at the mall and seeing the movie too. Amazing. Me and Prince always have amazing times together

A/ N: I love Prince. He's so cute. Our Thai Prince. His cute is this boy. He's so cute and amazing too. Check out GHOST9 if you don't know them. They are really worth checking out. They are awesome. Prince is definitely my bias. Love him

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