💚 MJ- Astro 💚

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This is my own original idea

Astro's Kim Myungjun and I have dating for the last 5 months. We have known each other for a lot longer though. We have been friends for about 6 years. Myungjun is a wonderful human being and I knew I always had a thing for him when we were friends. Who couldn't? He's so cute and loveable and he's mine now. He has been extra busy lately with Astro busy and he's going to be in the musical Jamie. I'm surprised we've even had a chance to date and see each other. He's a busy man. I know that he loves me and always has time for me no matter what. I'm a very lucky girl to have him. Tonight is Myungjun's opening night on Jamie. He is sharing the role with three other guys but it's his first night and I'm going to watch him. As a proud girlfriend I'm sitting on the front row. He got front row seats just for me of course because he loves me and wants me there cheering him on. I'm so excited to see him make his stage debut in a musical. Myungjun has worked so hard for this and I just can't wait to see him do his thing. The show starts at 7pm this evening. I had a t shirt made that says 'I'm MJ's girlfriend'. Yeah it's kinda weird but I wanted too. Hope I don't make myself look too obvious. Myungjun thought it was cute that I got a t shirt made. I am wearing it now and I'm on my way to the theatre for the show. Myungjun is getting his hair and makeup done as we speak. He had a dress rehearsal done earlier which went pretty well. I feel so excited right now. I arrived at the theatre. I join the line with my ticket in my hand and wait to be let in. I text Myungjun to tell him I've arrived and that I'm so excited to see him onstage. I get let in and go to the bathroom before taking a seat at the front row. I get a birds eye view from here. Th closer I get to see my boyfriend the better. I couldn't hold my excitement much longer. Myungjun will be taking to the stage as Jamie soon. Bang on 7pm the lights go out and the stage light go on. Myungjun is first onstage. He looks so good with all that makeup on. He doesn't need it to look beautiful. He is beautiful to me

I smile all the way through the show as I watched Myungjun perform as Jamie for the first time. I am so darn proud of him. That's my guy. During the interval. Halfway through the show I got some ice cream. I guess it's kind of ice cream time of the year so that's all good. I love ice cream. So does Myungjun. I sit and eat the ice cream while I wait for the show to start again. I wonder what Myungjun did in his break. Probably had ice cream too like me. There was another hour left before it finished. I didn't want it to end but my boy smashed it. I'm so proud of my Myungjun. He did amazingly well. I leave when the show had ended. He might be a while backstage wrapping up and getting ready but no problem I'll just wait outside for him to be done. He said he'll meet me outside anyway. I wait outside for more than 20 minutes. Myungjun said he got delayed with his cast members backstage. I can see him coming out with a smile on his face. "Hey, babe. Sorry to keep you waiting" he said. "No problem, my star of a boyfriend" I smile. "So how did I do?" he asks. "Amazing, fabulous, fantastic, awesome. All words like that" I smile. "Awwww thank you, honey. I love you" Myungjun said kissing me. He holds my hand as we go back to my car. "So what was your favourite part of the show?" he asks. "All of it, silly. Don't have a favourite part. Every scene with you in" I say. Myungjun was very tired after his first show so I got us home as quick as he could. We got into our pjs and I made us hot cocoa and we snuggle up in bed. "Here's to you and the amazing opening night you had. My star. My shining star" I smile. "Awwww, babe. I love you. You make me the man I am today. I don't know what I'd do without you" he smiles. I smile and kiss Myungjun. "Can't wait to see you again performing tomorrow" I say. "Not long till that" I giggles. Myungjun fell asleep after as he was exhausted but he did amazing tonight. Can't wait for the next show tomorrow. So proud of my Myungjunie

After a couple of months, Myungjun has finished his role as Jamie and he's free for a while now till the next thing. We are taking our first vacation together. We are going to Jeju island which is an island in Korea. I haven't been there in years. Not since I was a kid. I've been there quite a few times and it's a really nice place. So we thought we'd go there for our first trip away together as it's not too far. We are leaving this morning and we are spending nearly a week in Jeju island. Can't wait for it. Myungjun and I can't wait to go away together for the first time. We are having breakfast and then leaving soon for the airport. "I can't wait for our little trip away together" he said putting his arms me. "Me too. I'm so excited, Junnie" I say. "Well let's get going in a few minutes" he said. We grab our things and get in the cab waiting outside Myungjun's apartment to the airport. He holds my hand as we sit in the back of the car. We arrived at the airport and soon check in. We get in the plane when it was time and off to Jeju island we were. We occupy ourselves by talking on the way there. We arrived at Jeju island just over an hour later. We collect our belongings and get off the plane. We didn't take that much with us as we are not here a week. We get a cab to the hotel we are staying in. The hotel overlooks the island. It's in a beautiful place. We arrive and get ourselves settled it. "This is the life, baby" Myungjun said laying on the bed. "It is indeed" I smile laying next to him. We lay next to each other and smile. Later we grab some lunch at the hotel cafe before exploring around the island. Myungjun told me to take him to where I remember when I was a child. I told him it's a while since I've been here. We had a nice first afternoon in Jeju island. Can't wait for the rest of the week there

A few days later and it's our fourth day on Jeju island. Myungjun and I are having such a great time and we never want it to end. We don't want to leave in the next couple of days. Tonight Myungjun and I have booked to go to a nice restaurant by the beach for dinner. It's a beautiful evening. Mild and warm. Definitely t shirt weather. We are getting ready now as the reservation is soon. Can't wait for a nice romantic dinner with my love. We are dressing pretty casual for tonight. It's not a super fancy or dressy place. When we were ready we leave our hotel room and walk to the beach which is only a few minutes away. Myungjun holds my hand as we walk across to the beach restaurant. "Here we are, my beautiful" me says as we sit at the table. We smile at each other and pick up a menu and look to see what they have. "This is lovely" I say. "Yes it is and you are lovely, my sweet. The loveliest thing I've ever seen" Myungjun smiles holding my hand. Awwww he's so cute and sweet. He just makes me so happy. Myungjun and I order what we want when we knew. It took a little while to decide as there was so many nice things. We talk about the good things over dinner. "Do you want anything for dessert?" he asks. "No actually I think I'm full enough" I reply. "Okay" he smiles. Myungjun goes quiet for a moment. "Actually, Y/ N. It's a good time to ask you something. Something special" he said. He gets out of his chair and stands opposite me. "I love you, Y/ N. I love you more than life. More than my career. I know we've only been dating less than a year but I've been in love with you a lot longer. Will you marry me, Y/ N?" Myungjun smiles sweetly. I stand up in absolute awe. "Yes yes. I will marry you, Myungjun. Oh my gosh" I say. He stands up and places a beautiful engagement ring on my finger. I smile and he kisses me. Wow! That was so perfect. Myungjun just proposed to me on our first trip away together. It was the most amazing moment of my life. Myungjun and I are now engaged

A/ N: Myungjun is so cute. He is very precious and talented. Finally Astro are making a comeback next month. I was beginning to think they disappeared off the face of the earth as a group

Can we walk about Rosé's solo how good is it. So proud of my queen. He deserves the world. I love her with all my heart 💜

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