💚 Byungchan- Victon 💚

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This is my own original idea

I own my own flower shop. I'm a florist. I have had a life long love of flowers and have always wanted to open up my own place. I have a small shop in a street in Seoul. I've had it for a few months and I love it. I get lots of nice customers coming in to buy flowers and arrangements for all occasions. Birthdays, anniversaries, congratulations, weddings, new babies and sometimes I do flowers for funerals. I absolutely have the dream career I've always wanted. It's a beautiful Wednesday  morning in July and I open up and 9am every morning. I already have a couple of people coming to collect orders later today. My apartment is within walking distance from the shop so it's not far. I like to get the exercise for a few minutes everyday. I arrived at my shop a few minutes later and open up. I have two locks to open up every morning. I get my apron on and start preparing some bouquets for costumers to collect later. About noon the door opens and a handsome guy walks in. I didn't see him at first as I was in the middle of something. He was very handsome indeed and tall as well. He looks around for a couple of minutes. "Hello, can I help you with anything?" I ask. "Yeah sure" said the guy coming to me. "Hi" I said. "I would like a nice bouquet of your finest flowers please" he said. "Of course. Are they for a wife, girlfriend?" I ask. "Oh no. I'm not married or seeing anyone. The only special lady in my life is my mom. It's her birthday tomorrow" he said. "Awwww that's nice. Any specific colours you want?" I ask. "Just pink, purple and white will do" he smiles. I have a look at what arrangement I can do. "Nice shop you have. Is it all yours?" he asks. "Yes it is" I reply. "It's really nice" he said. "Thank you" I smile. "I'm Byungchan by the way" he smiles. "Nice to meet you, Byungchan. I'm Y/ N" I reply. "Yes nice to meet you too" he smiles. "So your arrangement should be ready by later on this afternoon if you want to come back" I say. "Yes I will. See you then" Byungchan smiles leaving. He's so cute and handsome

Later on that day and it was getting to closing time. I close at 5pm every night so it's not too late. Sometimes I'm working on my own till a little after that. Byungchan still hasn't come to pick up his flowers yet. I'll have to save them till tomorrow if he doesn't come. Just as I was about to finish for the day, the front door opens and Byungchan walks in. "Hello. Sorry I didn't come earlier" he said. "It's fine don't worry. Just hang on a second. I'm just going to get your flowers" I say. I go to the back to get his bouquet of flowers. "Here go. Hope you like it. I did what I thought would work best" I say. "Wow! They're beautiful. My mom will love them. She loves beautiful flowers like these. Thank you so much" Byungchan said. "Thank you. You're welcome" I reply. "So are you closing up now, Y/ N?" he asks. "Yes I am" I say. "Okay I won't keep you long. Y/ N, I know we've only just met today but maybe we could go out sometime on a date" Byungchan asks. "Yeah sure. I would like that, Byungchan. That would be nice. It's been a while since I've been asked out" I reply. "I don't know why. You really are a beautiful woman, Y/ N" he smiles. "Awe thank you. You're a handsome man, Byungchan" I smile. "We'll take care and I'll see you soon. I might pop in next week to you know see you" he said. "Yes that'll be nice" I reply. Byungchan smiles at me before he leaves. I just met the sweetest and cutest guy today. Byungchan is lovely. I will definitely take him up on his offer of going out on a date whenever that may be. He is officially my favourite customer now

It's a couple of weeks since Byungchan and I met at my flower shop. We are going on our first date today and we can't wait. We have got to know each other pretty well over the last couple of weeks. Byungchan is a really sweet guy and really handsome too. He's my type. We are going on a nice private boat trip along the lake. I'm bringing some food and Byungchan is bringing drinks. Maybe alcohol. He's coming to pick me up around noon. Can't wait to see him. I'm getting ready now. I've done my hair and makeup and then getting dressed. I am wearing a nice summer dress as it's a summer day. I've told Byungchan where I love so he'll be able to find. A few minutes later, he knocks on the door. I open the door. "Hi, Y/ N. You look very beautiful" Byungchan smiles. "Hey, Byungchan. Thank you. You do too" I smile. "Date time" he said. "Yes" I reply. I grab my bag and the picnic basket and we walked out the door. The car was waiting outside for us. "It's just the night day for a nice boat trip" Byungchan said. "It is indeed. I love summer" I smile. "I do too. Can I just say, Y/ N. You look beautiful in that dress. I really think it suits you" he smiles. "Thank you, Byungchan" I smile. Soon we arrive by the lake. The boat was already out ready for us. Byungchan helped me get on as he's a gentleman like that. "Thank you" I smile. He gets on after me and the man starts the boat. "Have you ever been on a boat like this before?"
he asks. "No I don't think I really have but it's beautiful" I smile. He smiles back. Byungchan and I enjoy our lovely boat trip on the lake. It was so nice and romantic. After about an hour, the boa stops so we could have something to eat. "Nice food you've brought" Byungchan said. "Thanks. I didn't exactly know what you liked" I reply. "I like most things so you're good" he replies. We tuck into the food I've packed. "Hope you like red wine" he asked. "Yes red wine is good" I reply. He opens the wine and pours us a glass each. "Cheers! Here's to new beginnings" Byungchan smiles. "Yes to new beginnings and maybe to the start of us" I smile. "Yep of course. It's the start of us" he said. A little while after we shared a kiss on the boat. We had another hour in the boat before it took us back to base. Byungchan asked me out on a second date after and I said yes of course. We had a beautiful first date

After a year of dating me and Byungchan got married. We are now happily married and expecting our first child in three weeks time. We are having a baby girl. Despite being heavily pregnant, I am still running my flower shop. I will be till I give birth. Byungchan told me to close when I hit 35 weeks but I'm 37 weeks now. I insisted to stay open. When the baby is born, I will go back to work a couple of months after. Byungchan said he will run the shop with the help of my sister so that will be good. He's worried I will go into labor when I'm working. I am finishing for the day now and Byungchan is coming to pick me up. I walk home with him as it's now dark when I finish. He doesn't like me walking home when I'm pregnant. The door opens and he walks in. "Hello, my love" he said. "Hello to you too, my love" I reply. "How was your day? You didn't do too much did you" Byungchan asks. "It was fine and you don't need to worry" I reply. "Okay, sweetie. Let's get you home. It's getting late" he said. "Yes I'm ready in just a moment" I reply. I grab my things and lock up the shop and Byungchan and I walk home together. We always hold hands and he makes sure I'm safe. I put my feet up when I get home as I was feeling tired. My husband is the best. I married the most kind, caring and considerate man in this world

Our baby girl, Heyoon is now 3 months old. She is beautiful and Byungchan and I are so blessed to have her. I went back to work at the flower shop last week. I take Heyoon with me most days. Sometimes my mom looks after her when I'm busy. Heyoon doesn't mind people coming in and out. I think she likes all the complements people give her. She's a really good little girl. She just sits in her seat and kinds her own business. I feed her formula and change her diaper when people are around. Byungchan has paid us a visit this afternoon which is really nice. He loves seeing his girls at work. "Who's my beautiful little girl, Heyoon? Appa loves you so much" Byungchan says holding Heyoon. "And eomma loves you so much too. Sorry if I put you through a lot. You're the best little girl we could ask for" I say. Byungchan smiles and kisses Heyoon. We met and fell in love in my flower shop and now we are married with a beautiful little angel

A/ N: I thought Byungchan was my bias in Victon till Hanse stole my heart and I total fell in love with him. Byungchan is my bias wrecker. He is so beautiful and handsome. His beauty reminds me of a flower that's why I choose this plot. Can't wait for Victon's comeback. I have a request for another Victon guy

Now that's I've finished my NCT 127 pregnancy book, I'll be updating everyday. Have been for the last couple weeks

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