🖤 Jackson- GOT7 🖤

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This is my own original idea

Warning: contains smut

Jackson and I have been in a secret sexual relationship for a few months. I wouldn't say we are boyfriend and girlfriend yet but we enjoy spending time together and having sex of course. Nobody knows about us. If JYP found out they wouldn't be happy and would probably terminate Jackson's contract. We met in a bar and got drunk and spent the night together. It started from there and yes it was good. We have been carrying it on for a few months now. Jackson is a nice guy and he's always in for a good time. Oh yes he is and me too. I'd maybe like a proper relationship with Jackson one day if he wants one. Before I met him I wasn't the kind of girl who messed around with guys but I guess I am now. I do really like Jackson though. Anyway tonight I'm at home. Sometimes Jackson gives me late night booty calls and comes over. I'm expecting one tonight. I have just finished dinner and I'm chilling on the couch. Jackson keeps sending me dirty texts that I'm replying to. He just can't help myself. Okay I knew it. He's coming over for a booty call. He'll be here soon and it's nearly 11pm. Before I knew it the door opens and Jackson walks in. I gave him a key and he can just walk in. "Hey, sexy. I'm here" he said. "Hey, hottie. I knew you wanted me tonight" I reply. "Ohhhh yes I do" he said. Jackson gets on the couch next to me and looks at me. He then puts his hands on my body and starts kissing me. Well more like eating me. Ohhhh but I like it. "Fuck. I need you right now" he moans. "Fuck. Me too" I reply. Jackson drags me up off the couch and sucks my face again. We both moan to each other. We then start taking each other's clothes off but not before we entered the bedroom

We approach the bedroom after making out for a while. Jackson swings open the door and we stumble in. "Can't wait to get naked" he smirks. "Hmmm me too" I say. We finish undressing each other. Jackson takes off his shirt and places his hand on my waist and kisses down my neck and chest area. I moan with excitement. "Does that feel good?" he asks. "Yes it does" I smirk. He carries on doing that for a while longer. I take off my jeans. "Damn, girl" he said. "Damn, Jackson" I reply. We step nearer to the bed. He teases me till he pushes me on the bed. He gets on top of me and kisses down my neck again. I moan again. "Fuck, Y/ N. Imma fuck you so hard" Jackson said. "Do it. I'm ready for you" I reply. He takes off his underwear and his dick springs out. Ohhhh damn. He teases me again till he inserts it into my vagina. It burns a lot. "Fuck, Jackson. You so big" I say. "Ummm I know" he said. He thrusts up and down on me vigorously for a while. We get under the sheets too and do it all night. Sometimes Jackson stays the night and sometimes he goes after we've had sex. We end up in the bed and stay for the rest of the night till the morning. Jackson wanted to do it again but I told him I was too tired after that as it was intense. I think he kinda understood. We did it till the early hours and it was so good. It's now the following morning and I am just waking up. Jackson isn't in bed next to next. He's probably getting breakfast. I wake up and I'm still naked from last night. I get out of bed and find where my clothes are but I couldn't find most of them so I put a bathrobe on. I walk into the bathroom and Jackson was just getting out of the shower. I grabs a towel and puts it around him. "Hey" he said. "Hey, sexy" I say. "Just getting a shower. Do you wanna join me?" Jackson asks. "Yeah sure" I reply. I take my bathrobe off and join Jackson in the shower. We make out in the shower for a while and it feels so good. We do it for a long while and Jackson leaves not long after. What a night we had?

Jackson and I are still in a sexual relationship and we are still loving it. I want to say to him that I want us to be official and exclusive. I don't want him to see anyone else and I don't want to see anyone else either. I don't know how he'll react to it but I guess it's worth bringing it up. I am going to Jackson's place for the night now. Don't know if I'll stay but I probably will. I have an overnight bag packed just in case I need it. Jackson is expecting me soon so I better get there. I grab my things and go out to my car. I don't text him I just turn up. I arrive there soon and park up outside his apartment. I get the elevator up to where he lives. I knock on the door and he comes to the door. "Hey, sexy lady" he said. "Hey, sexy thing" I say. I go in and he looks at me. "You're looking extra sexy tonight" Jackson smirks. "Thanks you are too" I reply. We get something to eat and then chill. I really want to say to Jackson I want to be in a proper relationship with him. We sit on the couch and chill. "Jackson, there's something I want to say to you" I say. "Sure" he replies. "We'll we've kinda been seeing each other for the last few months. Like mainly having sex. Jackson, I like you and I want our relationship to be more than just having sex and messing together" I say. "Y/ N, you do mean more to me than just sex. The sex is amazing but I like you too. I know what you're saying" Jackson replies. "I want us to be in a proper relationship, Jackson" I say. "Okay if you want to be. I do agree having sex is not being in a proper relationship and loving one another" he said. "Yep I was scared you'd react bad to it" I say. "Nah. It's cool. Will you be my girlfriend, Y/ N? I'm ready for this" Jackson said. "Yes I will be your girlfriend, Jackson. I'm ready for this too" I say. He leans in and kisses me and then we have sex but meaningful sex this time now that we are in a official relationship

Jackson and I have been boyfriend and girlfriend for a month now and we are enjoying spending more time together and getting to know each other better. We think it was definitely the best decision we made to get together. We definitely know each other better now. We still have sex but do other things in between like go out and watch movies which is fun. Tonight Jackson is taking me out to a Chinese restaurant. He is from Hong Kong so it's the food from his country and it reminds him of home. He took me there a couple of weeks ago and he's taking me again tonight and I'm looking forward to it as it was great the first time. Jackson is picking me up soon. I am getting ready now but I'm a little late running as I had to help my mom out with something. I am touching up my makeup now before I do my hair. I am dressing casually as it's a casual place. I choose out my clothes and get dressed. I was rest just in time for Jackson arriving.  The doorbell goes and I answer it. "Hey, baby" he said. "Hey, baby" I say. He pulls me in and kisses me and then we go to the restaurant for our dinner. We get seated at a table for two when we get there. "Are you getting the same as last time?" Jackson asks. "Don't know yet. I'll see" I reply. I go for something different in the end. We wait for our food to come. In the meantime we have a bottle of wine. "Cheers. Here's to our new committed relationship" Jackson said raising his glass. "Yes exactly here's to our new relationship. May it be long lasting" I say. "Yes of course it will be" he smiles. We smile at each other and Jackson kisses my cheek. We had a great meal tonight and we are so happy to be in a real relationship now. Jackson and I are together now and I'm sure we'll fall in love soon

A/ N: love Jackson. He's so hot and talented. He's the man. I wanted to do a smut for him because why not. I love GOT7's new album. It's amazing. Been a long time coming. About time we had a full album

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