🤍 Ken- VIXX 🤍

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This is my own original idea

I have been married to VIXX's Ken aka Lee Jaehwan for 7 years. He is the best husband in the world and we share a 4 year old daughter together called Eunseo. She is adorable and we love her so much. Jaehwan is an incredible husband to me and father to Eunseo. We are so lucky to have him in our lives. We are expecting our second child in a few months time. I'm almost four months pregnant with baby number two. We are not going to find if the gender till the baby is born. Jaehwan said he would love a boy this time but he said he wouldn't mind another girl. We just can't wait to welcome our second baby into the world. Eunseo can't wait to be a big sister too even though she's still a little too young to understand. But we are going to be parents for the second time soon in the next few months. Tonight I'm going out with a couple of friends. Nowhere too extravagant. Just to a nice restaurant for something to eat. Not drinking as I can't because I'm pregnant. Jaehwan will be at home babysitting Eunseo. I will miss them but I won't be out for too long. I am getting ready now. Jaehwan will be making dinner for he and Eunseo about now. Her favourite is chicken nuggets. When I was ready I go into the kitchen where Jaehwan and Eunseo are. "You look beautiful, Jagiya as always" Jaehwan said. "Thank you. Well I should get going in a moment" I say. "Okay bye bye, eomma" Eunseo says hugging me. "Bye, sweetie. Have fun with the girls" Jaehwan says hugging me. I leave them to have fun on their little night together while I go out with my friends. I know will be fine just the two of them. I'll miss them for the next two hours though

Jaehwan's POV

Me and my little girl are having fun while Y/ N is out with her friends tonight for a couple of hours. I just want her to enjoy herself before our second baby comes into the world. I know it's not for another few months but she should go out before she gets too far on in her pregnancy. Eunseo and I had dinner not so long ago and we are sat on the couch now. She is getting tired so I'll put her to bed soon. I love tucking my little princess up in bed and kiss her Goodnight. Eunseo is snuggled up next to me. She yawns and she rubs her eyes. "Appa. I'm getting sleepy" she yawns. "I know sweetie. We will go to bed when I've read you a story" I smile. I let Eunseo choose a bedtime story. She gets into her pyjamas and cleans her teeth too before I read to her. She sits on my lap on the couch. She loves looking at the pictures in the books and pointing to them. I read to Eunseo and we end up falling asleep together. I wake up when I hear the door open and Y/ N walking in. "Hello. I'm home" she whispers. "Hi, love. Little princess is asleep" I say. "Awe. Let's get her to bed" Y/ N said. I pick Eunseo up and carry her into her bedroom and tuck her in her princess bed. She was as snug as a bug in a rug. I kissed her forehead too. Y/ N is in our room getting ready for the evening. She looks tired after her fun night out. "Did you have fun tonight?" I ask. "Yes I did. It was great to go out with my friends" Y/ N replies. "That's great. You deserve to have all the fun in the world, baby" I say. "Love you, Jaehwan. You're the best husband and father in the world. I love you so much" she said. I pulled her in and kiss her lips. I'm so glad my wife had a great night out with her friends tonight. Me and Eunseo had a great daddy and daughter night together

Y/ N's POV

It's a few months later and our baby will be here in about another month or so. Or even sooner than that. I'm 8 months pregnant now so the baby will be here soon. We can't wait to welcome our second baby into the world. Boy or girl we don't mind just as long as the baby is healthy and happy. I'm feeling pretty tired as I'm in the later stages of pregnancy. I'm bound to. Jaehwan has gone to pick up something for the nursery. It's something to put over the baby's crib. A mobile thing. It's a cute little things for them. I stayed at home with Eunseo as it's 7pm and she is getting ready. Jaehwan won't be long so he told me not to worry. Eunseo and I are sat on the couch together relaxing. She yawns a bit. "Eomma, where has Appa gone. Is he coming home?" she asked. "Of course he is, sweetie. Don't worry. He's getting something for your baby brother or sister. He won't be long, baby girl" I say. Jaehwan arrives home soon. Actually just before I was about to put Eunseo to bed. "Hi, I'm home" he said. We were upstairs so we couldn't see him. He comes upstairs to Eunseo's room where we were. "Got it. We will put it up tomorrow" Jaehwan said. "Thanks, honey. You're the best" I say. "No you're the best, sweetie" he smiles kissing my cheek. "Daddy, I'm tired" Eunseo yawns. "I know, princess. You're about to go to sleep now. Aren't you?" Jaehwan replies. "Yes" Eunseo yawns. We tuck Eunseo all up in bed. We close the door quietly. "So let's see the mobile?" I say. "Here we are. Cute isn't it. Baby will love it" Jaehwan said. "So cute. Yes he or she will" I smile. "I'll hang it up tomorrow and we'll see what it's like" he said. "Definitely. We are both tired now so we'll be heading to bed soon" I say. "Yes of course" he said. Jaehwan and I sit on the couch for a bit before heading to bed. Love the mobile he got for the baby. It's so cute. Can't wait till he or she is here

A few weeks later and our handsome baby boy, Seojoon was born. He came into the world screaming and crying and weighing 8lbs 3oz. He's a pretty big boy but he's adorable. He looks a little like his daddy Jaehwan. Very handsome baby boy indeed. We love him. Seojoon is a few days old now and he's doing very well. It was a normal and natural birth I had. We came home from the hospital the day after he was born. We didn't have to stay long as it was my second baby. Eunseo loves her little brother a lot. She wants to hold and kiss him all the time. Awwww bless her. She's so good with him. That's our lovely little girl. I am in the nursery feeding little Seojoon now. Jaehwan is spending time with Eunseo now so she doesn't feel left out and neglected. He is almost done feeding now so it's all good. I can hear Jaehwan and Eunseo having fun downstairs now. When Seojoon was done feeding I go downstairs to join Jaehwan and Eunseo. "Hey, little man is done" I say. "There's my handsome boy" Jaehwan said. I hand baby Seojoon to him and he holds him for a while. "My boy" he said. "That's our boy" I say. "My baby brother" Eunseo said touching Seojoon's little hand. "So cute. Our babies" Jaehwan said. I smile at him and he smiles back. So our second baby is here safe and sound now and we love him so much. Our lives are complete with both of our babies. Our little beautiful princess Eunseo and our handsome little princess Seojoon. We love them so much

A/ N: I kinda forgot about VIXX tbh. They are a good group so I shouldn't forget. Ken is my bias. Very handsome and talented indeed. He's definitely husband material I would say

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