💗 Jay- ENHYPEN 💗

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This is my own original idea

I have just made the decision to move from California to Seoul, Korea. I have always loved the country and I'm a Kpop fan too so I made the decision to leave my family and friends behind and go to Korea. It's a big decision for an 18 year old to make but I am independent. I love travelling and countries around the world. My parents really didn't want me to go but I told them I'll be okay once I'm there. I'll also be studying in Seoul too. I can't wait to live my life out there. I have just in Seoul from California after flying for half a day. I'm absolutely exhausted but I'm so glad to arrive in Seoul. I've been looking forward to this for so long. I get off the plane and go through all the checks and things and collect my luggage. I have two big suitcases full of my things. One of winter things and one of summer things. Things for all seasons. There is a cab waiting for me outside the airport. The driver loads my things and I tell him where I need to go. I've been learning Korean so I can communicate. The cab takes me to my apartment block. I will be sharing with someone else but I don't know who yet. I get out of the cab and grab my cases from the trunk. It turns out he didn't drop me right outside so I had to walk. I struggled down the street with the heavy cases. I stumbled and almost fell over till a kind guy helped me. "Help me help you" he said. He had an American accent. "Thank you so much" I say. "You're American" he said. "Yes I am. You are too" I smile. "Yes I'm Jay. I live over there. I'm in a group called Enhypen" he said. "Ah yeah I might recognise you from the show. I'm Y/ N" I say. "Cool. Where are you staying?" he asks. "Here. Apartment 112" I reply. "Okay I'll take you there and see you in" Jay said. "Thanks" I reply. Jay takes my cases and sees me in. "Here you are" he said. "Thank you for your kindness" I say. "No problem. If you need anything I don't live far with my bandmates" Jay said. "I will" I say. Jay gives me his number and leaves. I have already met someone in Seoul which is good. Jay seems really nice and he helped me too

I've been in Seoul for 6 weeks now and things are going really good. I've settled in just fine and love it here. My family are still worried about me being on my own in another country. Jay and I have seen each other a couple of times. He's really nice and made me feel welcome in Seoul. I would say we are friends but we haven't known each other that long. I think we could maybe have a good friendship coming. I am going out to the local shops today to get some things. Sometimes I get funny looks when I go out because I'm not Korean or Asian. I just deal with it like everything else. I have just left my apartment now and I'm going to the shops. It's Sunday so the shops close pretty soon. I walk down the street and go to the fruit and vegetable market. I go here quite often for produce. I walk into the shop and see Jay in there. I go up to him. "Hi, Jay" I say. "Hi, Y/ N" he said. "So what are you getting?" I say. "Nothing really. Just browsing" he replies. I nod my head. I get what I need and he waits for me outside. "Get what you need, Y/ N?" Jay asks. "Yes I did" I say. "So where are you going now?" he asks. "Home" I reply. "Wanna go for a walk?" he asks. "Sure" I reply. Jay and I take a little walk together. "I wish we could hangout more, Y/ N" he said. "Yeah we will, Jay. Don't worry" I say. "Maybe we can hangout soon" he said. "For sure" I reply. Jay and I carry on talking as we walk back to my apartment. We will hangout and spend more time together soon. I've only been in Korea a few weeks which isn't long so yes we will get closer and get to know each other better. I'm sure we will. Jay is a really nice guy and I like him

Over the last few weeks Jay and I have been hanging out more and getting to know each other better. It's great that we are because he's the first person I met in Seoul and he was really nice to me. I don't know if it's too soon to say that I have feelings for Jay. I've only been in Seoul for just over two months which isn't long. We do see each other when we can and hangout. He enjoys showing me around Seoul and telling me all about it. There is still some parts I haven't seen yet. Tonight Jay is taking me around another part of Seoul and I can't wait to see it. He says it's a small town with shops and eating places. He is coming for me soon and I'm looking forward to seeing him and going out with him. I'm getting ready now. My hair and makeup is almost done and I'm choosing my outfit now. I don't know what to wear. The weather is pretty mild right now so I guess I don't need to wrap up too much. I wear a flannel shirt with jeans and a jacket. I wear sneakers too. I was ready just in time for Jay arriving. The doorbell goes and I go to the door. "Hi, Y/ N" he said. "Hey, Jay" I say. "How are you?" he asks. "I'm good. You?" I reply. "Yep not bad" he replies. "I'm ready" i said. I grab my things and we go. There was a cab waiting outside so Jay and I got in. "How far is it?" I ask. "Not far. Maybe like 20 minutes" Jay replies. We arrived soon at the little town and we start walking around. "Nice evening" he said. "Yes it is" I say. "Tell me where you wanna go?" Jay said. "Sure I will" I reply. I told him where I wanted to go. I just wanted to browse around and check things out. Jay was patient and he let me. "How about you get something to send home to your family?" he suggests. "Hmmmm yeah maybe I could" I reply. We look in a gift shop and they have some nice Korean things but I didn't see anything my family would like. Jay and I explore around for a while longer and had fun together

After a while we decide to check out where there was to eat. I was hungry now and so was Jay. From a distance I spot a pizza place. I never thought I'd see a pizza place in Seoul. "Look a pizza place. Awesome" I say. "I know. That's awesome. We should go there. Yeah" Jay says. "Absolutely" I reply. There was a line outside the door so we joined. "I'm starving" Jay said. "Me too" I reply. Soon we got in and got seated at a table for two. "Did you know this place was here?" I ask. "No I didn't actually. I don't come here that often" Jay replies. "Oh right" I say. We look at the menus and order what we want to eat. Pizzas of course. I get Hawaiian and Jay gets meat feast. We get drinks and waited for our food to arrive. "Jay, can I say something to you?" I say. "Of course you can, Y/ N" he replies. "Well I'm really thankful for you, Jay. You're the only person who has made me feel welcome since I got here. I'm happy to have met you on my first day" I say. "Well that's what I'm for. I'm glad to have met you too, Y/ N. You're a great girl and I've never clicked with anyone this quick before" Jay replies. "Yep me too. I was worried about making friends and meeting people when I came here" I say. As he was about to say something else, our food comes. Think Jay was a lot to say something else. We tuck into our pizzas and enjoy them. We finish them in no time. "Amazing. Best pizza I've ever had. Reminds me of home" he said. "It was great" I reply. "Y/ N, I was gonna say something" Jay said. "Sure" I reply. "I like you, Y/ N. I really do. I know you haven't been here for long but I like you" He said. "I like you too, Jay. You're a really nice guy" I say. We go outside and share a kiss outside by the restaurant. Jay and I like each other so maybe there's a possibility we could end up together in the future

A/ N: love ENHYPEN. Their debut is amazing. Definitely worth the wait. I love them already. Is hard to choose a bias as they are all amazing. It would have to be the wonderful Jay. He's amazing and I love his blonde hair. These boys are gonna be so big

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